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Top Content - October 2021

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Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
It's been awhile since I've done a summary of our Top Content, but it's time to get back into it!

Here is a summary of the top threads, articles, link directory listings, and members :)

Top Threads​

I recommend reading through all our top threads (and the follow alongs from the contest) from last month 👇

Top Articles​

Here are the top 5 articles read last month:

Top Link Directory Listings​

We have dedicated a lot of resources to building the best resource for the top traffic sources, affiliate networks, and tracking tools (not to mention spy tools)! Check out these popular listings:

Top Members/Posters​

The top posters from last month were:

Thank you everyone for helping make affLIFT awesome. Onward and upward 🚀
Thanks @Luke for this community. Learned a lot and would love to give a lot.
Great content!
And, @Luke ! you're just a great Admin! !

+ Btw, that makes me kinda jealous .. I want to be among the top posters for the next month (Competitors seeker)

✿ Samira ✿
There will be a ''Top content thread'' of -November-??
I've just checked the previous months, and .. I didn't found it ..

- Samira
There will be a ''Top content thread'' of -November-??
I've just checked the previous months, and .. I didn't found it ..

- Samira
It's on my todo to post it today :)