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Top Content - November 2019


Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
November 2019 was another record month for affLIFT :)

We had 3 big boosts in the month of November:
  1. Our contest with RichPush.
  2. The release of Pops Guide (my beginners course to affiliate marketing).
  3. Black Friday / Cyber Monday promotions.
Besides all the amazing content outlined below, these 3 things really helped boost membership. Contests encourage members to test out new traffic sources and post follow alongs. We've done well on Black Friday twice now so I will definitely be continuing those promotions every year. Pops Guide by affLIFT has been a huge success and I will be working on releasing another course in early 2020 📆

Here are the top threads for last month:

Monetizer Case Study

Top Threads

The Black Friday deals thread was very popular so I will definitely be doing that again next year. Most of the threads from Pops Guide were in the top 10 so I just included the starting thread. Here are the top 10 threads:
It's also interesting to see the Free Top Converting Landing Pages thread by Anstrex in the top 10 again. I hope other Partners on affLIFT notice this. Provide continual value and you'll continue to get it back to you in return :D

Top Forums

Even with the release of Pops Guide, Push Notifications were still the most talked about topic on affLIFT. We are likely one of the most popular forums for push notifications 👍
I was happy to see Affiliate Networks getting a lot of talk as well.

Monetizer Review

Top Articles

I love to see our Articles getting so much attention lately. I will be continuing to try to grow that section of affLIFT because I know it's helpful for many affiliates. Here are the top 5 articles from November (you should check them out if you haven't yet!):

I have some great Articles lined up to be published this month ⭐


Top Link Directory Resources

Our Affiliate Marketing Link Directory continues to grow each month. It's been a fun project. Here are the top 10 resources:
I am looking for ideas to encourage members to rate the resources they use that are in the directory. Let me know if you have any ideas!

Top Members

Membership grows every single month and it's interesting to watch different members become more active or less active. We had thousands of active users in November, but these guys were the top 10:
Thank you everyone for making November a big success. I am excited to finish out 2019 with you all and even more excited for what 2020 has in store for us :D 🚀
Buy Website Traffic
Oh wow. I didn't know that I was one of the most active member! Dang! Good to see my other follow-along also to be part of the top posts in Nov.

Lets say goodbye to 2019 with a bang now.
I am looking for ideas to encourage members to rate the resources they use that are in the directory. Let me know if you have any ideas!
So what you can do is when you do a contest, rating the traffic/network/tracker one has used for the contest needs to be done. It can be part of the whole eligibility. The reviews need to be honest (If its bad, its bad). Maybe that will help. If they have already done the review/rating before taking part in the contest then they automatically become eligible for the contest.
So what you can do is when you do a contest, rating the traffic/network/tracker one has used for the contest needs to be done. It can be part of the whole eligibility. The reviews need to be honest (If its bad, its bad). Maybe that will help. If they have already done the review/rating before taking part in the contest then they automatically become eligible for the contest.
I like this. We can do something like it for sure 👍