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Spooky $3k Contest - $1k for the BEST Follow Along

I wanted to do something fun this month to spice things up as we approach the end of the year so how about a spooky follow along contest?

This one will be a little different. I did not reach out and get us a sponsor. Instead, we'll let affLIFT pay for the prizes which means...

👻 You can use any traffic source and affiliate network in your follow along!

This contest will follow our regular follow along format (outlined below), but you will have the option to create your follow along using any setup you want. But, more importantly, here are the prizes 😃

🦇 Spooky Contest Prizes​

We've created a prize pool of $3,000 that is heavily balanced towards participation:
  • $1,000 Grand Prize (explained below)
  • $2,000 Participation Prizes

$1,000 Grand Prize​

The Grand Prize will be $1,000 rewarded to the most voted for follow along. On November 1st, I will create a poll thread where you can vote for your favorite follow along created during this contest. The member/follow along that receives the most votes will receive $1,000!

$2,000 Participation Prizes​

Our main goal for our follow along contests is to encourage members to TAKE ACTION. We want you to create a follow along because it forces you to run affiliate marketing campaigns and think about them. It gives us (the entire community) an opportunity to help you with your campaigns and learn from them.

Because of this, we will use $2,000 from our prize money as an incentive for EVERYONE to participate and create a follow along.

The $2,000 will be evenly split among everyone who participates (minus the grand prize winner). If we have 11 total participants then the $2,000 will be split along the 10 who did not win the Grand Prize and each person will receive $200 via PayPal. Each participant must complete the (easy) steps below to qualify for the participation prize pool money.

🎃 Requirements for Participation​

Participation in this contest is easy! And, because we do not have a sponsor for this contest, you can setup whatever campaign you want:
  1. Create a follow along for any affiliate marketing campaign you want to run. The thread needs to be created in the appropriate section of the forum. If you aren't sure which section, ask by replying below. Or, if you put your thread in the wrong section, I can move it 👍
  2. Reply to this thread with the link to your follow along.
  3. Update your follow along at least 4 times with results from your campaign, changes/optimizations you are making, questions you have for the community on how to improve your campaign, etc. To help make it easier for us to check to ensure you made all the updates necessarily, please number them (#1, #2, etc).
  4. That's it!
The last update needs to be done before November 1st when I create the poll to find the Grand Prize winner.

OPTIONAL: I also want to encourage everyone to post the link to their follow along in our Live Chat:

😈 Participating Follow Alongs​

Here is a list of all the participating follow alongs.

Not sure what affiliate network to use? Check out our affiliate network reviews!
Not sure what traffic source to use? We have traffic source reviews too!

Completely lost? Go through our Beginners Course and document your progress by creating a follow along.
Already went through the Beginners Course and not sure what to do? Go through our Intermediate Course and document your progress by creating a follow along.

If you have any questions, reply below and let me know 👍

Good luck on your spooky campaigns!
That's my follow-along for the contest!! Any tips appreciated!
Here is my entry:🎃.9710/
Sorry for possible grammar and language errors. English is not my primary ;)
Great to see some new follow alongs this weekend! Added to the list 👍