Follow Along My second Survey Pops FA - my goals are more ambitious and more concrete now.



Super Contributor
Nov 29, 2019
hi Affliftians,

You might be surprised that I am now back with my second FA since my first FA was created not long ago. ==>

But life is like that, when you are struggling very hard on something, you almost lose hope, you might think you will never be able to achieve something, and at that moment you may not know that the light is just around the

My first FA did achieve the original goal which is to turn the campaign into green and I did it.

But there are issues with the green campaigns, that's why I move forward with this second FA.
so the structure of this FA is similiar:

🎯 Traffic Source: PropellerAds
🔧 Tracking Tool: BeMob
✅ Affiliate Network: Zeydoo + Propush
👍 Type of Offer: Smart Surveys and probably focus on sweeps or dating.
💰 Offer Payout: Varies
🏆 I believe this campaign will be successful because:

Success is declared at the beginning when the campaign is created. LOL.

Just joking , I believe I will be successful on this campaign because my goals are the following ones,
1. the campain has to be green
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