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Follow Along My first Campaign,Since August 2021 ''Push-subscriptions'' , Spooky Contest

wess bekk

Jul 20, 2019
I haven't done an ad campaign in about a year, and the new contest encourages me to TAKE ACTION, thank you so much @Luke

🎯 Traffic Source: Popads
🔧 Tracking Tool: Bemob
✅ Affiliate Network: Evadav
👍 Type of Offer: Push subscription
🌍 Country: World Wide ( T1/T2/T3 )
Bid : 0.6CPM
Offer payout : $0.015 to 0.12$

* The select of countries :

The thing that many advertisers overlook: is to talk with our Affiliate manager to get some recommendations about offer/country / Conversion rate...

So my publisher manager recommends some countries to me to me...

* My bidding with $10 daily budget ( maybe I will increase it )


Website quality :
I didn't get good results with Quality under


Day 1 : ( this results after 1 hour of launch ) :

I will keep it running for about 24h and optimize some data!

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