Drive high-converting traffic for your iGaming campaigns from 35k+ publishers, 248 GEOs and unique Social Bar ad format!

Follow Along Pops + Zeydoo to my first profitable campaign



Active Member
Jun 15, 2023
#️⃣ Attempt: 1
🎯 Traffic Source: PopAds, later RichAds, PropellerAds
πŸ”§ Tracking Tool: Voluum
βœ… Affiliate Network: Zeydoo
πŸ‘ Type of Offer: CPI Scanero Android
πŸ’° Offer Payout: $0.039 - $1.344
πŸ† I believe this campaign will be successful because: This is my first real pop campaign. To be honest I am not sure if it will be successful, but I will try everything to see green.
πŸ” I am unsure about: When to cut an offer and move on. If I should split GEOs on my PopAds campaign.

Welcome to my first FA. I will try to keep it as clear as possible.
As I am still new to affiliate marketing and pop traffic I will share almost every step I make. Please tell me if I do something wrong. :)

This is the offer I am promoting:

I will include every allowed GEO, OS version and browser in my PopAds campaign.
This offer only allows direct pop traffic. That means I unfortunately can not use my own LPs. Actually I wanted to try propush and a backbutton script. Maybe next offer if this does not work. I hope I can see green anyways.

Now to my PopAds campaign. I created it based on the pops beginners guide:

Next step: Categories. I am not sure if I should test individual categories like hosting / file sharing / image hosting or software. It seems like these categories could fit the offer. Anyways for now I included every category except adult:

As I already wrote, I included every allowed GEO, OS and browser in this campaign. I decided to include Chrome down to version 100 and samsung browser down to version 15:

This is the traffic estimation from PopAds:

For the budget I decided to use roughly the half of the average bid. Also I want to run this on $10/day first and see if I get any results. This is how I set my budget:

Tracking is already setup. I test all LPs of the offer:

I would say, that since nothing stands in the way, I will start my PopAds campaign right now.

I will update as soon as my first $10 are spent.

Thanks for reading!
Help, recommendations or critique are always welcome! :)

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Good luck @123 ,
According to traffic estimator your bid is too low, you may have too little traffic
Let's see how this go
Following πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸš€
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Good choice! Have you asked your Zeydoo AM for top countries?
Also, what made you choose Popads over PropellerAds?
I contacted Zeydoo two days ago, because I could not find my AM anywhere. Unfortunately I still got no response and I could not wait longer to start a campaign. Maybe I need more patience.
I chose PopAds because it was used in the beginners guide. As I wrote, I will try PropellerAds later, when I get my coupon. I think it is worth waiting for that. :D
Good luck @123 ,
According to traffic estimator your bid is too low, you may have too little traffic
Let's see how this go
Following πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸš€
Thank you for your suggestion. Maybe I should set it a bit higher. I will wait until my campaign is approved and see the results. If it is to low volume I will try.
Unfortunately I still got no response and I could not wait longer to start a campaign. Maybe I need more patience.
Just message the support. Till then you can check their Notifications tab, here is an updated list from August 3. The support would however give you avergae CRs in each geo that might give you an idea of how the offer is doing. All the best though :)

Just message the support. Till then you can check their Notifications tab, here is an updated list from August 3. The support would however give you avergae CRs in each geo that might give you an idea of how the offer is doing. All the best though :)

View attachment 41489
Thank you, you are awesome! :)

My campaign was still not approved, so I guess it is ok to change it. As recommended I just changed my target countries to the top countries of this offer. I hope to get better results with that.

Also this changed the bid price:

And as recommended I now use the average bid price:
My campaign was still not approved, so I guess it is ok to change it. As recommended I just changed my target countries to the top countries of this offer. I hope to get better results with that.
Remember that targeting top countries also means you're fighting competition and with lower bid you might not be able to find successful pockets. I have not gone through the Beginners Guide, but as a newbie you should test traffic platforms where CPA algorithm works well so that it can do the optimization for you - [hint: PropellerAds] :)
But you're on the right path to learn :)

Cost: $10.17
Conversions: 1
Revenue: ~ $0.14
Profit: - $10.03

This is really bad. I expected a little bit more to be honest. Ok let's check Voluum and PopAds:

Clickloss > 50%... Very disappointing. Never mind. But there are also good news. I received my PropellerAds coupon from @Luke. I already used it and will go on with PropellerAds from now. My campaign and tracking are already setup.
Again, same countries, OS, browsers and $10/day. As traffic sources I only use the exclusive inventory. Pricing model is CPA. I set my CPA goal to $0.2. Also I created an audience for my conversions.

I will update again as soon as the $10 are spent.
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All Stats:
Cost: $10.17 + $11.22 = $21.39
Conversions: 1 + 23 = 24
Revenue: ~ $0.14 + $2.98 = $3.12
Profit: - $18.27

08.08.23 Stats:
Cost: $11.22
Conversions: 23
Revenue: ~ $2.98
Profit: - $8.24

The PropellerAds campaign spent $11.22 and got me 23 conversions, nice! It is not profitable but I can work with it.
Let's look into Voluum. First I want to check the offers (landers):

All are doing well, more or less. However lander 3 is doing the best. I want to let it run one more day to make sure LP3 is the clear winner (or not).

Now we look at the countries / zoneids with conversions:

There is no green country, but a lot of green zones. Almost every zone with a conversion is green, nice. I think I need to wait a few days more before whitelisting, because the zones did not really get a lot of traffic.

Now in PropellerAds I have a few zones that exceeded the set CPA without a conversion. As I use the CPA goal campaign it should be auto optimized by the system. I am not sure if I should deactivate them anyways? I would really appreciate it if anybody could answer this question.

Also the clickloss is much better with PropellerAds. In my last update with PopAds I had > 50%. Now it is:

Still a lot ~ 30.5%. But much better than with PopAds. Also I never worked with pop traffic before, so I have no experience to tell if this is normal. But I am ok with it for now.

Over all I am satisfied with today. I expected no positive ROI and got 23 conversions.

In conclusion I will leave everything as it is for now. I think I can not optimize it with the data I have.
Next update will follow after the next $10 are spent tomorrow.


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All Stats:
Cost: $21.39 + $53.51 = $74.9
Conversions: 24 + 138 = 162
Revenue: ~ $3.12 + $25.34 = $28.46
Profit: - $46.44

09.08.23 Stats:
Cost: $53.51
Conversions: 138
Revenue: ~ $25.34
Profit: - $28.17

Yesterday, after the next $10 were spent on my WW campaign, I saw a few interesting countries / zones i wanted to test more specific. So I launched a new campaign including 5 countries and a few zones. This campaign made -30% ROI instead of -70%. Even if it lost money this is a big win for me.
I stopped the WW campaign and let the campaign with 5 countries run from now on.

Then I also launched a few campaigns to try out the different auction models (CPA Goal, Smart CPM, CPM). I knew I would lose money, but I needed to learn. So I thought (still think) it was a good idea, to see, how each of them works.

Because of lack of time I will not upload screenshots today.

Next update follows tomorrow. Then hopefully with screenshots again :)

All Stats (10.08.23):
Cost: $ 155.62
Conversions: 341
Revenue: ~ $76.32
Profit: - $79.3

10.08.23 Stats:
Cost: $80.72
Conversions: 180
Revenue: ~ $48
Profit: - $32.72

It has been a few days from my last update now. I am pretty busy at the time, but my FA continues.
On the 10th of August I looked at my "top 5 country campaign" and spotted 2 potentially winner countries. So I set up multiple campaigns for them with the best ZoneIDs. One country performed well and I decided to optimize the campaigns for ZoneIDs and "ZoneID to Lander" pathmbefore I went to sleep. You will see what happened in the next update.

Also I thought it would be a good idea to test the higher payout GEOs. This campaign did not perform so well.

I did a newbie mistake and thought I had found a GEO that could be profitable with high payout and also launched multiple campaigns for it. They failed. This is ok, as it is "learning money". I will not launch a specific campaign anymore if I do not have enough data.

As I found two good campaigns I decided not to continue the high payout GEO campaign.

I will write the update for yesterday (11.08.2023) right now. It includes my first profitable campaign :D
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All Stats (11.08.23):
Cost: $255.68
Conversions: 613
Revenue: ~ $149.22
Profit: - $106.46

11.08.23 Stats:
Cost: $100.06
Conversions: 271
Revenue: ~ $72.9
Profit: - $27.16

As I wrote in the last update, yesterday I had my first campaign profitable. I still tested a few new GEOs and tested CPA / SmartCPM campaigns, this is why my ROI is still in minus.
First let's check the campaign I told you last update I optimized for the best converting ZoneIDs / ZoneID to lander paths:

BOOM. I love this feeling. My optimization worked so far. It took me from ~ -15% ROI to +30.8%. HUGE!
As I saw the results, I tripled my campaign budget the next day (see next update).
The other promising campaign did not perform so well and stayed at -9.5% ROI.

I also made a multiple campaign report in Voluum and noticed, that certain ZoneIDs were profitable in multiple countries.

So I set up three new campaigns for a new GEO. Two only including the ZoneIDs and one for the whole GEO. See how they performed:

One performed miserable (the whole GEO one). Then one performed ok. And one performed very good in my opinion.
I decided to let the 2 good campaigns run and optimized them again for ZoneID to lander path before going to sleep.

Also I read a Guide named "When to Cut a Zone That Has Conversions (Using Statistical Analysis)" from @Jimmy. I used this method to cut a few of my running campaigns / zones. The next day (12.08.2023 / today) was really awesome!

Be excited for my next update, because today was my first profitable day :D

All Stats (12.08.23):
Cost: $321.34
Conversions: 895
Revenue: ~ $226.03
Profit: - $85.18

12.08.23 Stats:
Cost: $65.66
Conversions: 283
Revenue: ~ $76.81
Profit: $11.15

As you already can see, I am green today. Also my overall profit increased from -$106.46 to -$85.18. I am very proud of myself. As I woke up and saw overall green, my mood instantly increased :)

The day on PropellerAds is just half through:

But there is a reason I already write this update. I unfortunately need to stop all my campaigns, because I almost reached the payout cap from my offer. After $250 the leads must be checked for quality. I already contacted Zeydoo support as I have no AM (yet?), but as it is weekend I guess I will only get an answer on monday.

Anyways, look at my campaigns:

As I wrote in my last update, I increased the daily budget from my most promising campaigns. One even could hold the almost 30% ROI. I forgot to mention that I also optimized them for OS versions before I went to sleep. I think this had a big impact also.

I had an unprofitable campaign running which tested the profitable ZoneIDs world wide. I stopped this campaign during the day.

Overall this was a really good day. I hope my journey continues like this.

As already written, I will stop my campaigns now until I get an answer from Zeydoo.
I guess I will also try a new offer tomorrow, which I will not document here. I had the idea to run a CPI offer again and retarget my conversions, as they already downloaded my offer (in hope they will do it again).

Help, recommendations, critique or comments are always welcome! :)
My next update follows (hopefully on monday).
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Zeydoo and Propellerads is a good combo with CPA campaigns. Zeydoo has really good in house offers, but you should would also be mindful of ratecuts. Lately I have seen a lot of ratecuts for the combo in profitable segments. Best of luck with quality check and wish you a stable po or an increase!

I don't know your tracker cost and clickloss metrics for this, but you can also test without tracker and via direct postback only. Just a suggestion you can test out if you want.
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That's a great story! Thanks for sharing your work with the community. It's very important to us.

Please, write me in private messages your e-mail with which you are registered in Zeydoo
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Welcome to my next update, I may need help.

On monday I got an AM from Zeydoo. My leads got checked, but my rates for my 2 profitable geos was cut 30%, like @ShobhitAgarwal said.
To be honest I do not really know how to go on from here. Should I just try new geos?
Yesterday I started testing 2 other offers, because it was unclear if my leads were already checked then. Should I maybe stick to them now?

Has somebody ever had their rates cut and what did you do then (or what would you do)?
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To be honest I do not really know how to go on from here. Should I just try new geos?
This is a common occurrence with these offers. Not sure if a new GEO would help. Might be a good idea to look for a new offer (even if it's on Zeydoo).

Yesterday I started testing 2 other offers, because it was unclear if my leads were already checked then. Should I maybe stick to them now?
If they're looking good then it's probably not a bad idea. Also, the GEOs that were profitable might be worth testing a new offer with! :)
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