Step 1 would be getting away from your computer. Take a break. As much as we want this to be profitable, ignoring your family and refreshing your stats is not going to make them go up.
Scaling to other
traffic sources, testing new campaigns (
with moderation), and looking at different strategies is the best option. If this is your only means of income, you may want to scale back instead of up.
$50/day is nice. How passive is it? I know there is no such thing as completely passive income with media buying, but if you have something you can step away from for a day or so and then come back and look at with fresh eyes and a fresh mind, I think you'll be happier with the results.
I personally do not check my campaigns (besides a glance here and there) for most of the weekend. Of course, I went over my paid events on
Voluum yesterday and lost out on quite a bit of profit, but for me, it was still worth it (and it was Father's Day so there's no way I was going to be able to spend time on it anyway

As I've gotten older, I've realized the benefits of work/life balance actually tend to benefit both of those things (not just life). For the most part, I've been against the "grind" mentality that our industry has pushed for a few decades now. Grind does not equal grow.
(sorry for the rant and of course this is just my personal opinion and there are many people who will disagree
