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Follow Along Spooky Contest - Golden Goose + Propeller Ads


Super Contributor
Jan 8, 2022
🎯 Trafic Source: Propeller Ads
🔗 Traffic Type: Popunder
✅ Affiliate Network: Golden Goose
🔧 Tracking Tool: Bemob
💰 Offer Payout: $0.24
🌍 Geo:
Tier 3
🏁 Goal: End up in profit, even if it's $0.01

So may goal may seem lame, but I have still to find success with Propeller Ads and Golden Goose. I have tried both of them together and with other affiliate networks/traffic sources, and still no luck. But I see how people make money there, so I know I can do it too. I already have selected an offer and a type of campaign, everything is set up already and running as I post this. Here's what I have done:

Bemob set up (no landing pages as the payout is low and I don't want to add another click, even if that means some extra cash with ProPush)


Propeller Ads campaign up and running, I selected Popunder + CPA of $0.20 (a little higher than the recommendation of 70%-80%, but I wanna get data). Not running Brokers for now as I am testing how the campaign converts, may add them later for scale.


That's it for now, will keep you


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