Follow Along [Paused] PopAds + Zeydoo 1Click Offers


Grand Guru
Nov 23, 2018
Hey everyone, its Ariel! I haven't been making follow alongs for a while. I'll be testing 1click offers with Zeydoo. I'll be using Redtrack to keep track of everything.

Due to the offer pay to be really low, I'll keep my campaign budget low as well, I'm not looking to blow $50 just for running a $1 offer campaign.

Max Campaign Budget: $10 || If Campaign Exceeds 30% ROI, continue pouring traffic., Else Pause campaign fully.
Daily budget: $1
Traffic Source: PopAds
Country: South Africa
Affiliate Network: Zeydoo

I would be A/B testing 4 offers from Zeydoo. Here's how my flows are setup.

On Stream #1, I would be A/B testing 2 zeydoo offers, I also want to keep filtering in check to make sure it matches with Country, Operating System, Device Type, and Connection Type.

On Stream #2, Same thing A/B testing 2 zeydoo offers, almost the same filtering as Stream #1 except I changed Connection type to cellular only.

On Stream #3, this is where the untargeted traffic would go to, A/B testing with all of the smartlinks with all of the networks I work with. I do find in
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