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New Year $2020 Contest with Advertizer + Monetizer

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Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Happy New Year! 🎉

A new year has started and I am excited to announce that we're going to kick it off with the biggest contest we've ever had here on affLIFT...

With $2020 in prizes!🤑

That's right, my friends at Monetizer and Advertizer have agreed to give out $2020 in prizes for follow alongs created this month using either of their sites:
  • Advertizer - setup a push, cpc, or cpa campagin (pops, redirects, back traffic)
  • Monetizer - use their smartlinks, direct offers, or collect push subscribers
Participation is easy and with 2x the prizes, there is a ton of opportunity for you to join in on the fun and pretty good odds you'll walk away with some prize money :)


Similar to our previous contests, this contest is 1 month long, but with $2,020 in prizes. The contest begins today (January 1st) and ends on Friday, January 31st. The $2,020 in prizes will be given to 20 random members ($101 each) who participate in the contest.


Participation in our contests here on affLIFT is easy. The goal is to help you and encourage you to take action. You can participate in the contest just by creating a follow along thread/campaign!

Your follow along can be for either for using Advertizer to buy traffic or Monetizer to monetize your traffic.

Here are the steps for Advertizer:
  1. Sign up for Advertizer
  2. Make a deposit ($100 minimum)
  3. Create a campaign on Advertizer (any campaign type is fine)
  4. Create Follow Along thread in either our push notification forum or PPV forum depending on the ad format you use
  5. Reply to this thread with a link to your follow along thread
  6. Post at least 4 updates in your thread about how your campaign is running
Here are the steps for Monetizer:
  1. Sign up for Monetizer
  2. Select an offer to run (smartlink, direct offer, or push collection)
  3. Create a campaign on any traffic source using the Monetizer offer
  4. Create Follow Along thread
  5. Reply to this thread with a link to your follow along thread
  6. Post at least 4 updates in your thread about how your campaign is running
That's it! Once you have posted your thread and updated it 4 times with details of your campaign, you are automatically entered to win $101.


We have a ton of content here on affLIFT to help you on both Monetizer and Advertizer. @Monetizer and @Advertizer are also available here to help. We want you to be successful with your campaigns! Here are some threads you might want to check out, but I also recommend just searching the forum for either monetizer or advertizer and you should find what you are looking for. If not, ask!


I will keep a list of the contest participants here so you can check out their threads for examples and inspiration for how you can run your own Monetizer or Advertizer campaign :)


The winners are:


If you have any questions, @Monetizer @Advertizer and I are here to help. Reply with your question below. We want everyone to be successful with their campaigns and will do our best to help! 🚀
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Very cool and great way to start 2020!!

I look forward to this!
@Luke, just need some clarification. Does it matter when you post results in a follow along? What I mean by this is, if I start experimenting with offers at Monetizer, can I choose to delay the publishing of my follow along until I feel there is something worth publishing? Obviously, the contest is restricted to campaigns that start this month, right?
This is fantastic! Advertizer is awesome. Their support is fantastic & they are constantly making upgrades based on feedback.
Nice Start :) I'm In
@Luke, just need some clarification. Does it matter when you post results in a follow along? What I mean by this is, if I start experimenting with offers at Monetizer, can I choose to delay the publishing of my follow along until I feel there is something worth publishing? Obviously, the contest is restricted to campaigns that start this month, right?
Follow alongs never usually have any sort of requirement to make money. I usually use them as an opportunity to test things I normally wouldn’t test ;)
Follow alongs never usually have any sort of requirement to make money. I usually use them as an opportunity to test things I normally wouldn’t test ;)
I realize that @Nick and, yeah, I quite agree. (y)
Does it matter when you post results in a follow along? What I mean by this is, if I start experimenting with offers at Monetizer, can I choose to delay the publishing of my follow along until I feel there is something worth publishing?
It's really up to you, but I personally like it more when someone just publishes the results on their thread as it happens. We all know some campaigns are going to be losers and some are going to be winners. If you post as you go, you're being more transparent :)

If you wait until your campaign is over to post the results of a campaign, it's more of a case study than a follow along ;)

Obviously, the contest is restricted to campaigns that start this month, right?
Since you should be posting results as they come in, it would be from campaigns from this month. If someone wants to post a case study showing their recent results with Monetizer or Advertizer and tell us about that campaign, I really wouldn't have an issue with it as long as it's providing value to the community 👍

I forgot to ask if we get some kind of bonus when signing up :p
Advertizer does not currently have a bonus that I know of, but @Advertizer or @Monetizer can confirm.
We don't have a bonus right now, but we'll definietly post it on affLIFT if we decide to include one this year
For anyone wanting to enter the contest with a follow along on the Advertizer platform, we've just lowered the Push minimums for the following countries:

india = 0.0015
indonesia = 0.00150
algeria = 0.00200
brazil = 0.00200
thailand = 0.0025
egypt = 0.00300

And the highest earning Mainstream GEOs for the CPC and CPA options in the past 7 days are:

US / DZ / EG / SA / MY / ES / DE / ID