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Follow Along 2020 Monetizer Push Subscribers List


John P.

Super Contributor
May 1, 2018
Inspired by @sushiparlour and @Luke I have decided to run a campaign building up a subscriber list on Monetizer and see if I can get it profitable at the end of it. Here are the 2 case study´s in case you missed them :

Now i am not as experienced as Luke and Sushi and so im going for about half of what Luke had which is around 50K Subscribers. The only difference is that i am focusing on 2 country´s at once :)

Traffic Source: PropellerAds Pops
Tracker: Bemob
Offer: Monetizer Push Subscription Smartlink using mainstream on 2 country´s

Campaign is already running and since i want those subscribers i have set my campaign on Propellerads to be distributed trough the whole day and that way i can also watch on day party ;)

Looking forward to see how it goes. I've got a campaign like this on my to-do list so it'll be good to see someone else running it to see what the results are like.
Awesome. I’m also excited to see how this turns out for you. Good luck!
Good luck mate, I hope it goes well but in any case, you'll be sure to learn loads :cool:
Thanks guys. Yeah im not even thinking its going to be positive at the end but the learning process it worth it :)

So here we go. First stats are in :

These 6 leads are from the offers.

First country sorted by hours :

Second country sorted by hours :


Cost : $11.71 + $6.86 = $18.51
Revenue : $4.20
Total Subscribers
: 114
Profit : -$14.37

I will track the Subs. like this because i can´t really track them on the push sub page cause i already had like 1.3k subs. So i will track the subs as conversions on bemob and at the end i will calculate the profits they bring. A bit complicated, maybe yall have some tips here :)
Campaign is still running, and planning to keep it like that until 00.00 then pause it and start to optimize. I already messed around with the offers on monetizer, blacklisting the ones that do not convert.

What should i look for when starting to optimize? Zone ids, connection types, carriers, etc? I would appreciate some insights before i start messing around with them :)


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It's a good start, have you started optimising yet or just collecting data still?
It's a good start, have you started optimising yet or just collecting data still?

Just collecting data until 00.00 when it gets a full 24 hour running :) After that i start messing around.
Only thing i did so far was blacklist bad performing offers on the push smartlink.
First Update is here. I paused the campaigns a bit earlier cause im too tired to wait untill 00.00 to finish off a 24 hour cycle.
So here are the stats right now on the 2 countrys :

First one up. This one got on green 2 times at 5AM and 8PM

Second one. This one only got on green 1 time at 1PM

Im going to start optimizing what i can starting with offers and zone ids. I will probably look at connection types and devices too. So far things are not looking great but this is without any optimization done apart from blacklisting some of the bad performing offers.


Cost : $19.21 + $8.27 = $27.48
Revenue : $6.24
Total Subscribers
: 163
Profit : -$21.24

I hope this will get better over night after i mess around with the optimization. I really enjoy the learning process though :)
If you guys have any tips for me let me know.
I forgot to ask why some offers can´t be blacklisted? Like this one for example :

Those 2 offers can´t be blacklisted or whitelisted. I don´t know why but almost 10k visits with no conversions its not good at all. Maybe @Monetizer can chime in and say what is going on.
@John P. i can't find anything special about either of these offers, are you sure you are unable to whitelist/blacklist?
Those 2 offers can´t be blacklisted or whitelisted. I don´t know why but almost 10k visits with no conversions its not good at all. Maybe @Monetizer can chime in and say what is going on.
Make sure you have the correct country selected in the blacklist box. Only offers for the countries you have selected will show up. Those both seem like ones that should be blacklisted.

Are you targeting Android+Chrome only?

Also, just to be clear, you are using the Push Optimised landing pages right? Your conversion rate seems pretty low for generating the actual push subs.
I would recommend you focus on optimizing for ZoneID based on the subscribers/revenue generated. Time of day doesn't matter as much until you have a lot more data. You can start optimizing ZoneIDs almost immediately with these campaigns (1x the payout or 1x your ideal cost per subscriber).
Make sure you have the correct country selected in the blacklist box. Only offers for the countries you have selected will show up. Those both seem like ones that should be blacklisted.

Are you targeting Android+Chrome only?

Also, just to be clear, you are using the Push Optimised landing pages right? Your conversion rate seems pretty low for generating the actual push subs.

Yes @Luke Android and Chrome. The reason why the conversion rate is so low is because i was smart and went for the high paying country´s, i realize now that it was a mistake.

I would recommend you focus on optimizing for ZoneID based on the subscribers/revenue generated. Time of day doesn't matter as much until you have a lot more data. You can start optimizing ZoneIDs almost immediately with these campaigns (1x the payout or 1x your ideal cost per subscriber).

That´s what i do when testing what works on the platform. I usually take $10 for testing, create a new link for all country´s for android and chorme and i let it run. After that i look at what i have green in there, clean up the reds and run again. After the second phase i might even target specific country´s.


As you can all see from above i made mistakes but that why we are all here for, to make mistakes, learn and improve. My mistake was going for the top 2 paying country´s in the push list cause i was thinking im a smart ass :) Well after the first round of optimizations things went a bit downside because i was getting very little traffic on the links. Here are the results for the last days :

Country 1 :

Country 2 :


Cost : $27.62 + $17.01 = $44.63
Revenue : $14.86
Total Subscribers
: 265
Profit : -$29.77

And so i have decided to stop the campaigns, take the loss and learn from mistakes. But that does not mean i will stop working to reach my goal of 50k. I just made some changes in the way i will get those from now on. The good news from all of this is that i have played a lot with the platform in the weekend and a hit $50+ on sunday ( not pure profit ) and i have pretty much learned the platform and how it works. All i can say is that the team at Monetizer made a really powerful platform and the insight part of it is where you should spend more time ;)

Here are the results from the weekend testing.

And here is the subscribers list :

I will go into more details about what im doing on the next update. But so far things are starting to shape up :)
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Cost : $19.21 + $8.27 = $44.63
Something tells me the math is wrong here :)

However, great follow along so far and as you said, we're here to make mistakes and learn!
Looking forward to the next update.
Something tells me the math is wrong here :)

However, great follow along so far and as you said, we're here to make mistakes and learn!
Looking forward to the next update.

The math was ok, the numbers were off :) Thanks for pointing it out, i´ve edited the post.
All i can say is that the team at Monetizer made a really powerful platform and the insight part of it is where you should spend more time ;)
Agreed :)

Here are the results from the weekend testing.

And here is the subscribers list :

I will go into more details about what im doing on the next update. But so far things are starting to shape up :)
Nice. Glad things are improving. Looking forward to hearing more about it 👍

I wanted to postpone the update until i have 20k push subscribers but life got in the way and i have to pause everything for a few day and focus on some offline stuff. I´ve learned a lot these days testing various pop ads traffic sources and using the monetizer platform which i love so much now. Been rocking some nice campaigns the past days and one that is running right now looks like this :

I will get into more details in a future post but to make it short you just have to hunt down the insights page of monetizer and then start testing and optimizing. So as you can see above i got payed to add 12k subs to my list :)

Subs wise im sitting close to 15k and the end goal is to hit that 50k by the end of the month and then double it the next month.


I wanted to postpone the update until i have 20k push subscribers but life got in the way and i have to pause everything for a few day and focus on some offline stuff. I´ve learned a lot these days testing various pop ads traffic sources and using the monetizer platform which i love so much now. Been rocking some nice campaigns the past days and one that is running right now looks like this :

View attachment 7735

I will get into more details in a future post but to make it short you just have to hunt down the insights page of monetizer and then start testing and optimizing. So as you can see above i got payed to add 12k subs to my list :)

Subs wise im sitting close to 15k and the end goal is to hit that 50k by the end of the month and then double it the next month.

View attachment 7736
Congrats. This is looking great! 👍

I have hit 20k actually at the time im writing this im half way to my goal and sitting at almost 25k subscribers. The reason why is going so slow is because like i said life go in the way a bit and also because im not really focused on getting the subscribers now as im testing different things.

Im testing different things as in sending traffic to direct offers and not optimized for push and i´ve had some nice campaigns going on like this one right here :

Im also testing push campaigns and having lots of fun with it and some success with some of the campaigns im running, i just need to scale them a bit but my time is very limited right now. I will probably start a push follow along soon, just need to clear some things and get my free time back :)

So all in all im half way there to the goal of my 2020 affLIFT contest, i will try and start a push subscription campaign this weekend to check the goal i had before the contest ends. Should not be to hard if i focus only on getting those subs.