Follow Along EvaDav Push CPA + PopAds



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Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Earlier today, I decided to do another test of the MOBIPIUM + PopAds campaign that I used in my course. I decided to include a push CPA link from EvaDav simply because I've used them in the past and wanted to see how it would perform.

So, I setup the 5 push smartlink offers from MOBIPIUM and just 1 from EvaDav. The results were a nice surprise:

The highlighted offer above is the 1 from EvaDav. The others are from MOBIPIUM.

So, I am going to do some more testing of this. There may be some GEOs with potential here. I will split test more offers with the GEOs that are converting best.

I am going to do another test with 5 LPs from EvaDav push with another $5 spend. Once that is spent, I will continue my optimizations and outline them in this thread. Maybe we can find some green ๐Ÿš€
Adavice DSP
EvaDav (@Evadav) recently updated their UI and I really like the new panel. I am giving them bonus point on this shoutout because I LOVE this copy button. I am not sure if it was there before, but this makes adding new Widgets (smartlinks) so much easier!

I have my campaign now split testing 5 of the LPs from EvaDav and will add more to test once I have more data on how these do :)

I've never tried EVADAV to generate push subs (only for buying traffic).

I'll make a test with them and report back here as well. They have a ton of landers available for both adult and mainstream traffic!
โš ๏ธ @BeMob the new panel is nice, but you need to save the columns we select for the report. Once I go through the trouble of removing half of the unnecessary columns you select by default for me, save that preference so the next time I run any report on BeMob, those columns are hidden by default.
Thanks, Guys
You are Welcome!
@Luke We hope that the green line is reached soon;)
and further optimization will allow you Guys to adjust the scaling
So, my process for optimizing this campaign will be:
  1. Find profitable Countries to target (started worldwide)
  2. Make sure I didn't miss anything in my initial setup (OS = Android, Browser = Chrome)
  3. Find profitable Offers for those countries (LPs from EvaDav)
  4. Find profitable WebsiteIDs for those countries/offers.
  5. Test new Offers on those WebsiteIDs.
Project profit. Sit back and relax.

Then scale on other pop sources? :D
Alright, so here's the Country data from the 2nd $5 spend:

Red: I like to breakdown my progress on quick tests like this simply by drilling down to the hour I am running traffic.
Orange: These are the countries that were profitable. Most only have 1 conversion which doesn't mean much, but we'll add them to the next $5 of spend.
Purple: These countries have above average ROI. I will include them in my test.
Green: The average ROI for all countries.

When I am going to scale (once I have this thing profitable), I may test some of the other countries that had a few conversions but were not profitable.
Okay, last update before the weekend :D

The last hour looked great. After making the adjustments I have the campaign ROI positive already.

Even some of the GEOs that aren't profitable have some potential green segments. Here's Indonesia for example:

I have 10 LPs from EvaDav rotating now. I am going to add another $10 to the budget and let it run without making any changes. I will let that spend on the GEOs currently in the campaign and then do some analysis on the GEOs + offers to find the greenest of green :D ๐Ÿš€
Initially there were 5 LPs in rotation for the first $5 ww test, then cut the countries below the avg cvr and add in another 5 LPs (5 new + 5 from first $5 test) to the second $5 test?

Which means the second $5 test is result of testing selected countries with 10 LPs?

Also, I am interested to see how you will scale this to max, tbh scaling is my weakest part of the entire process in tackling this type of campaigns, making few cents in a day and loosing few dollars the next day make me almost goes nuts๐Ÿ˜‚
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Which means the second $5 test is result of testing selected countries with 10 LPs?

Also, I am interested to see how you will scale this to max, tbh scaling is my weakest part of the entire process in tackling this type of campaigns, making few cents in a day and loosing few dollars the next day make me almost goes nuts๐Ÿ˜‚
Scaling with a campaign like this likely has to be across traffic sources. What you can scale on PopAds will be somewhat limited (increasing bid or finding new segments).
From my experience the best performing are GEO's with higher payouts (above 0.02). It was hard for me to be profitable with Tier 3. I'm sure you'll make some profit with Popads and Evadav :D Unfortunately some time ago, Evadav AM asked me to stop sending traffic from Popads (despite USA), because the weren't profitable. Be careful!
the new panel is nice, but you need to save the columns we select for the report. Once I go through the trouble of removing half of the unnecessary columns you select by default for me, save that preference so the next time I run any report on BeMob, those columns are hidden by default.

I contacted support about the exact same thing. And they referred me to the FAQ where it says the reports customization don't get saved. Hopefully others have noticed the same problem and they can fix this.
From my experience the best performing are GEO's with higher payouts (above 0.02). It was hard for me to be profitable with Tier 3. I'm sure you'll make some profit with Popads and Evadav :D Unfortunately some time ago, Evadav AM asked me to stop sending traffic from Popads (despite USA), because the weren't profitable. Be careful!
Yeah, that's a possibility and that's fine. There are other good pop sources I can test on (and likely will either way).

I contacted support about the exact same thing. And they referred me to the FAQ where it says the reports customization don't get saved. Hopefully others have noticed the same problem and they can fix this.
Sounds like you have a few members that would like this feature, @BeMob :D
This test got off to a bit of a rough start this morning, but earlier today I removed some more GEOs and I am letting the campaign run today to collect more data on the real winners and the offers to use on them.

Tomorrow, I will setup individual campaigns for maybe the top 5 GEOs and the top (profitable) offers within those GEOs ๐Ÿ‘

Countries currently being tested:

When you look at the hourly totals, it's easy to be turned off by this campaign. But, what I am interested in seeing is, with the top countries I find, can I scale by increasing my bid AND can I potentially scale those same countries on other pop sources :)
I would like to ask a question, using CPA type, will those active subscribers continue to generate revenue? Similar to monetizer?
I would like to ask a question, using CPA type, will those active subscribers continue to generate revenue? Similar to monetizer?
No, with CPA, you are only paid once. However, EvaDav does have a revshare option where you are paid a share of all the revenue generated by your subscriptions. I will likely split test this as well.
I did not make anymore changes to my campaign over the weekend after my last update and just let the campaign run to collect more data.

Good news!

Yesterday looked good. I will be going through the data today and will start work on scaling this :D
Very well. Keep going. :coffee:

I decided to include a push CPA link from EvaDav simply because I've used them in the past and wanted to see how it would perform.

Can you tell me more about this? I have been an advertiser for a long time on Evadav but I have never tried the publisher side.
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Can you tell me more about this? I have been an advertiser for a long time on Evadav but I have never tried the publisher side.
It's pretty simple. You just click on Streams, create a Stream, and then setup your link. Here's a screenshot of my setup for this campaign (testing different LPs they have available):

Okay, so let's take a look at ways I can potentially scale this campaign now that I have some data :)

My focus has been getting data on each country/offer so I can figure out where there's an opportunity to grow/improve. So, I run a report for all the traffic so far with Country and Offers:

Italy is my most profitable country so far. I will be setting up an individual campaign for Italy so I play with my bids and potentially remove WebsiteIDs to maximize ROI.

Indonesia has a lot of traffic and it's converting, but overall it's ROI negative still. I can potentially try to run a campaign there in the future and look for profitable WebsiteIDs to get it ROI positive, but I want to start with the countries that already are showing a profit.

So, I jump down to Taiwan. Taiwan is just barely profitable overall, but when you break it down by offer, there are a few offers with a really high ROI. I will setup an individual campaign for Taiwan as well rotating the profitable offers and looking for the best WebsiteIDs to maximize ROI.

Setting up the individual campaigns is simple. Just duplicate the original on both BeMob and PopAds and then modify the Countries on PopAds so you're only targeting the single country.

I will not make anymore changes to the campaign until I've had a chance to let it run. I set the budget to $5 and once it's approved, it'll run and collect some new data.

I will let the original campaign continue to run as well. I will likely be increasing my bid on the country specific campaign to get more traffic so I might as well keep the original running and continue to get the cheaper traffic and collect more data ๐Ÿ‘