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Advices From A Newbie To A Newbie


Aug 25, 2018
I have been on this forum for about a month now, started a few followalongs, tested some offers on different sources and today I would like to share my learnings so far with all the beginners starting out so they can avoid the mistakes and get started in the right direction :)

My suggestions to all the beginners:

- Start with Pop traffic as they are cheap and won't dig a big hole in your pocket during the learning process. You will gain some confidence in the process when you see few conversions coming your way. You don't have to worry about creatives with this traffic type, which is good for learning at the initial stage.

- Go with the big reputable sources that have been operating for some years now like ZeroPark and Propeller. They would have more campaign settings and optimization options than the others.

- Instead of picking up an offer at the learning stage, go with smartlink rotators from YTZ or Monetizer. As they would have 1000's of offers for almost every geo and alot more data to optimize which offers work the best for which geo, language, connection & device type etc.

- Bid the minimum! And increase the bid slowly each day to reach the desired volume. That way you won't blow up your budget and can optimize each day with whatever data is coming in.

- Use a tracker, you will have no clue without it. I have been using Bemob as it has a terrific free plan to start with.

- If you using smart link rotators, go with world wide traffic. After spending $10-$20 you will have the data with which geos to go after.

- Create a separate campaign for mobile and desktop always and test both! They both work very differently and have different bids as well.

- When studying data look for the following:

Connection Type/ISP
Device Vendors
OS/OS Versions
Browser/Browser Versions

Sort the data cost wise to see which segment is eating up most of the cost and can be excluded.

At the end of the test, sort the data revenue wise to see with which segments a separate campaign can be created.

- Don't be quick to cut the source ID. Start by excluding some of the other variables mentioned above.

- Create a follow along thread, work on your campaigns daily for even 15 mins and update the thread daily to keep track of your progress and get suggestions from other members in the forum.

Above are my learnings so far, others can be different. But it will be great if other newbies in the forum can also chip in with their learnings , as beginners can relate more with beginners I guess.

Good Luck Everyone (y) Be Consistent and Be Persistent!
This is some good advice with Pop traffic. Do you have good luck with the smart link rotator?
Do you find a big difference between the impressions on Propeller and in your ad network?
thanks for sharing , great advise .

i would definitely put into practice what u shared here .

I also would like to to add , if u managed to find a winning campaign , and getting conversions don't just go ahead to scale it ,

check with AM first if the traffic u sending is really converting . cos personally I earned almost close to five figures using legit traffic sources but got all

the conversions got reversed and I didn't get paid . network mentioned there were no deposits which was really strange when all the conversions were coming in and all from different traffic sources .

hard lesson learnt , sharing this that other newbies too wont get burned too wasting time , effort and money .
I tried SmartLink (YTZ network) with PropellerAds, but it was rejected!
when a isked why, this the answer:
"You cannot use marketing material (images, banners, pages or texts) that are copyrighted by third - that's the reason of rejection"
what to do know ?
change the traffic source or the offer ?
I tried SmartLink (YTZ network) with PropellerAds, but it was rejected!
when a isked why, this the answer:
"You cannot use marketing material (images, banners, pages or texts) that are copyrighted by third - that's the reason of rejection"
what to do know ?
change the traffic source or the offer ?
Yeah, it's been discussed a few times that PropellerAds doesn't allow these types of offers.
thanks for sharing , great advise .

i would definitely put into practice what u shared here .

I also would like to to add , if u managed to find a winning campaign , and getting conversions don't just go ahead to scale it ,

check with AM first if the traffic u sending is really converting . cos personally I earned almost close to five figures using legit traffic sources but got all

the conversions got reversed and I didn't get paid . network mentioned there were no deposits which was really strange when all the conversions were coming in and all from different traffic sources .

hard lesson learnt , sharing this that other newbies too wont get burned too wasting time , effort and money .
Can you name the advertiser and the network with which this happened.
Will they allow it with a landing page though?

That would defeat the purpose. The point, when using a smartlink is that you leverage the insight every network has for each particular geo and how every different offer (from their inventory, of course) performs.
Nice advice mate :) But i would like to add something on top of that.
Pop isn't always the right way to go, You could have campaigns that could do a whole lot better on push, Native, Google, Facebook. For instance, Nutra and loans offers are less effective on Pop. Match the offer you are running to the ad format, It's shouldn't be a rule.

About reputable sources, Again, Depends on the offer you are running. If you want adult, you should focus on a specific adult traffic source that knows these traffic and can open you to more quality sources.

About bids, Minimum isn't always the best practice. You could get low-quality traffic that using that could give you negative ROI and could make you think nothing is working and only increase frustration.
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