See the exact ads your competitors are running

Advices From A Newbie To A Newbie

if u explain the last para with pic step by step
It's already explained in the blog post step by step with pics.

Which last part are you struggling with? Please upload your images exactly from where you're struggling to continue so we can help.
Adavice DSP
sir still not understand why landing page i think there is no use of landing page anybody can explain
sir when we select an offer the said payout is gross when the offer convert than net profit is payable how we know the net profit nay formula guidance
sir still not understand why landing page i think there is no use of landing page anybody can explain
Check out this thread and you will understand :)

Don't be the lazy affiliate who wants to skip landing pages :)

sir when we select an offer the said payout is gross when the offer convert than net profit is payable how we know the net profit nay formula guidance
The offer payouts are net payouts. What you see if what you get. There are no hidden numbers if you're taking an offer from an affilte network.

You only need to calculate: Money from offer payouts - money spent on traffic = your profit.
any body explain CPA and CPM
Yes, check the articles and directory linked at the top of the forum to find all the info:
sir thnx for reply sir on some of offers language problen whether landing page in same language or change one
sir thnx for reply sir on some of offers language problen whether landing page in same language or change one
I don't understand your question if this is a question. Could you rephrase it?

sir in landing page redirect is mandatory
Redirect where to? If it's to the offer, yes, it's mandatory or you won't make money.
sir when we choose offer of some country that are in their nativ language can landing page in english will be suffice for that offeror we have to change the language sir one more question can how we check lander page is ok and running without error
sir when we choose offer of some country that are in their nativ language can landing page in english will be suffice for that offeror we have to change the language sir one more question can how we check lander page is ok and running without error
You preferably should create the landing page in their native language. Many countries have some percentage of English speaking population but sometimes it's very low. Don't be lazy and create the landers in the language of the country :)

As for checking if the landing page works, I just open it in my browser and go through it to make sure all the links, images and call to actions are correctly working.
sir when we choose offer of some country that are in their nativ language can landing page in english will be suffice for that offeror we have to change the language sir one more question can how we check lander page is ok and running without error

You can check the landing page by doing a speed test. Use ad it will allow you to test your website through 25 countries, if all of them can be reached your landing page is good to go.

You also need to test readability. Have a friend who your targeting in native language read it for you and they will tell you any grammar issues to fix. Don’t be afraid to hire a writer, there’s plenty on Fiverr and you can also use Transey for translations. Don’t think about using Google Translator, you may get away with it. Native people can tell if you are a foreigner or not.
You can check the landing page by doing a speed test. Use ad it will allow you to test your website through 25 countries, if all of them can be reached your landing page is good to go.

You also need to test readability. Have a friend who your targeting in native language read it for you and they will tell you any grammar issues to fix. Don’t be afraid to hire a writer, there’s plenty on Fiverr and you can also use Transey for translations. Don’t think about using Google Translator, you may get away with it. Native people can tell if you are a foreigner or not.

very cool. Haven’t seen this before. Great share and looks like a cool tool.
Some people suggest smartlink for beginners. And some others do not recommend for beginners.
I'm very confused, because I'm a beginner.

Even to start from vertical, I was confused, now I added by choosing smartlink or single offer.

Please give me a hint.
Some people suggest smartlink for beginners. And some others do not recommend for beginners.
I'm very confused, because I'm a beginner.

Even to start from vertical, I was confused, now I added by choosing smartlink or single offer.

Please give me a hint.
Our Beginners Guide uses a smartlink. Smartlinks are nice because they're supposed to use the best converting offers for you. The hard thing is the payout will change (different offers) so it's hard to optimize.
Our Beginners Guide uses a smartlink. Smartlinks are nice because they're supposed to use the best converting offers for you. The hard thing is the payout will change (different offers) so it's hard to optimize.
Very clear answer. Thank you very much, Luke.
That's a nice share!! Newbies will -definitely- appreciate this!

- Samira