Notifadz by Adrenalead
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Step 11 - Optimizing our Campaign

Try ClickDealer
just done, he is gonna check it....

it cant be just luck, because 136 conversions is imposible that is just luck... non cent at all!
just done, he is gonna check it....

it cant be just luck, because 136 conversions is imposible that is just luck... non cent at all!
Hi @Maca ,

We understand. My team is investigation your case, as it seems there has been a mistake.
You will be inform by your Account Manager as soon as we know what happened.


MOBIPIUM Affiliates Team.
Hello! Tell me, please, how to make a time sample in the BeMob?
Open up the report for your campaign and then it's under Day parting and Hour of day.

thanks @Luke you are the Man i share with my instant results after some optimization and let's play a game will the Ptofit & Cost Cross Or Not ? Will Revenue Up the costs that what we will see in the next episod Keep Tuned :oops:
Haha, hope it crossed 👍
Not Really @Luke How do you run pops on just the websites ID or do you optimise per category the optimisation process is really diffucult maybe we should have limited ourselves to just offers ? i mean is it linear you fix one variable and then see how it goes with the others having a diffirent crosscheck can not really help and can lead to Bad assumptions , Exemple if the CV is Double for Offer A But payout Offer B is The Half So how will you chose ? i have had some conversions for football in UK But when i optimized for it , everything was a total Mess Also How can you determine or have a corret estimations of the traffic available within each country ?
Exemple if the CV is Double for Offer A But payout Offer B is The Half So how will you chose ?
You run whatever has the best EPV compared to the CPV.

How can you determine or have a corret estimations of the traffic available within each country ?
You run a campaign. That's how you know.

Post a screenshot of your Country stats up to this point.
Hello everyone. I have been an affLIFT member for 2 weeks and started off immediately studying and implementing this guide. I have been constantly studying it and the posts made by others. I made some mistakes on my first $5 run. But, with Luke's help, I corrected them and managed to complete my first optimization, which is for geos only.

These are the countries I drilled down to, which had EPV's greater than or equal to CPV's.

I made my second $5 run targeting these 6 countries. Results showed only Colombia was profitable.

I will be testing offers on my next $5 run. Followed by a $5 run for website id's. But can someone help me with the following questions before I do?

1. do you pause the campaign to make adjustments while it is running?
2. why do I get traffic from geos which are not being targeted after I optimized for geos?
3. when you optimize website id's, do u still have to target the geos in which they are located?
4. when you say subscriptions, what are the visitors subscribing to?
5. how do you split test CPA and subscriptions?
6. as a newbie, after finishing this guide, assuming I have the budget, what would you recommend
I do next to reach a consistent $100 daily profit within the next 30-60 days? Please specify your
affiliate network, traffic sources and tracker.
1. do you pause the campaign to make adjustments while it is running?
Since you're running $5 increments, I would make the changes when you've used up your budget. Say "okay, I am going to use this $5 to test this theory" and then let it run out. When you need to add more budget, go through and analyze the results, make a change or two, and see how that impacts your ROI for the net $5 increment.

2. why do I get traffic from geos which are not being targeted after I optimized for geos?
How much traffic do you mean? The few clicks 1-5 is not a big deal.

3. when you optimize website id's, do u still have to target the geos in which they are located?
You have 2 options here:

1. You can optimize GEOs + WebsiteIDs.
2. You can optimize WebsiteIDs and assume that most GEOs will convert well with them.

Of course, you can always break it down and remove GEOs if necessary.

4. when you say subscriptions, what are the visitors subscribing to?
This is a big problem. You should know what you are advertising. Sorry if I wasn't clear in the guide on this. They are subscribing to receive push notifications from MOBIPIUM and their partners.

5. how do you split test CPA and subscriptions?
I assume you mean CPA and revshare. You would need to sign up with other companies (networks) that have more push notification offers for you to split test.

6. as a newbie, after finishing this guide, assuming I have the budget, what would you recommend
I do next to reach a consistent $100 daily profit within the next 30-60 days? Please specify your
affiliate network, traffic sources and tracker.
Well, this is obviously the biggest question everyone has. I can tell you my recommendation: PropellerAds, Monetizer (ClickDealer and Mobidea are also great for the mobile content offers I promote) and any tracker will be fine (I use Voluum, but there are plenty of good options including continuing to use BeMob as you grow).
Since you're running $5 increments, I would make the changes when you've used up your budget. Say "okay, I am going to use this $5 to test this theory" and then let it run out. When you need to add more budget, go through and analyze the results, make a change or two, and see how that impacts your ROI for the net $5 increment.

How much traffic do you mean? The few clicks 1-5 is not a big deal.

You have 2 options here:

1. You can optimize GEOs + WebsiteIDs.
2. You can optimize WebsiteIDs and assume that most GEOs will convert well with them.

Of course, you can always break it down and remove GEOs if necessary.

If I omit geo's and target only website id's, will PopAds know which countries to target? Or, does it matter?

This is a big problem. You should know what you are advertising. Sorry if I wasn't clear in the guide on this. They are subscribing to receive push notifications from MOBIPIUM and their partners.

What is a push notification?

I assume you mean CPA and revshare. You would need to sign up with other companies (networks) that have more push notification offers for you to split test.

Well, this is obviously the biggest question everyone has. I can tell you my recommendation: PropellerAds, Monetizer (ClickDealer and Mobidea are also great for the mobile content offers I promote) and any tracker will be fine (I use Voluum, but there are plenty of good options including continuing to use BeMob as you grow).
Are these difficult to get approved for? I have studying some of the follow alongs. But, are there any tutorials/guides, etc, you can recommend?
All 5 offers were also profitable in Colombia. This morning the campaign had spent only 0.11. So, at 8:13 this morning, I increased the budget to 0.00050 to speed things up. So far, the ROI is negative and none of the offers is positive.
Did you remove some of the WebsiteIDs or something? Seems low for traffic.
Did you remove some of the WebsiteIDs or something? Seems low for traffic.
No. I only removed unprofitable geo's, which left Colombia. On the next run I was planning to optimize for offers. In this case, should I optimize offers for Colombia? Then I will optimize for website id's. This campaign is still running very slow. I am tempted to make a large budget increase to speed things up. I was hoping to complete this run by end of day. Currently, my remaining budget for this run is $4.60.
My results after targeting offers for Colombia are disappointing. None of the offers turned out to be profitable. There are a 3-4 profitable website id's. I think this campaign should be scrapped. What do you think?

None of the offers was profitable
My results after targeting offers for Colombia are disappointing. None of the offers turned out to be profitable. There are a 3-4 profitable website id's. I think this campaign should be scrapped. What do you think?
Yes, scrap it and apply what you've learned to testing new offers 👍
Yes, scrap it and apply what you've learned to testing new offers 👍
Certainly, I have learned a lot running this campaign. I want to test new offers but don't know where to continue. Should I stick with Mobipium? I think I need to try other networks? What about sticking with Popads? I want to also stick with BeMob.