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Follow Along PropellerAds CPA Goal +

Do you then just relaunch again and again, until the algo succeeds in giving you a solid CR and therefore a campaign with better longevity?
I can only speak from my own experience and I'm also interested to know what other affiliates would do in this situation.

It depends. I use direct-link for most of my campaigns (99%, because I'm lazy:p) & my main affiliate network is Monetizer. I'll look at the stats of the offer on Monetizer's "snapshot" first before I decided whether to relaunch or not. If it's a new offer and/or the CVR looks promising, then I might give it a 2nd or 3rd try.

The only time I would relaunch a campaign again & again is when a working campaign begins to lose it's "momentum",i.e when traffic begins to slow down.
Gotcha. Same here, relaunching and/or cloning whenever a winning campaign loses its momentum.

What I like to do though is launch several of the "same" campaigns at once, each of them having different CPA levels. Seems to somehow fire some more ammo towards the algo and upping the chance of finding higher CR on one of them.
Thanks @Luke for the post. All the best , looking forward to seeing more green geos !

Adding a few more tips for affiliates
  • Push , Pop , Native traffic converts best.
  • Our offers work on direct linking . No need of prelanders. For Push be sure to translate the text to geo your targeting. Our landing page auto translate based on IP.
  • Split test wifi and non wifi campaigns separately. Some geos not all ISP work . Be sure to check this with your AM before you begin.
  • Our postbacks fire every 1 hour GMT time . So be patient incase you dont see conversions showing up immediately.
  • If you running a country with high volume run only high - or recent activity and then scale to others.
Sharing our top geos and ISP for the day . Sign Up Now & Make some $$

IraqKorek , Asia Cell
RomaniaDigi.Mobil ,Telekom,vodafone
RussiaMts,beeline,win mobile
Trinidad and TobagoALL
BoliviaViva , Tigo , Entel
MauritiusMyt ,Emtel
Costa RicaMovistar
AlgeriaMobilis Currently there are no offers assigned! Can you please have a look?
hi Luke. Do you use OnClickPops with Click2Sms offers because in this case specifically the offers from come with pre-landers?
or this type of traffic works well with this type of offers even without pre-landers and once users see a popped up window, saying they'd win an iPhone by just typing their phone number in - that works well?
I am using them because they joined affLIFT and reached out to me and it seemed worth a test. Not really a long backstory of reason why :)

how to set up the postback ?
This has been explained for most trackers further into the thread 👍
Okay, so I let this run over the weekend without keeping an eye on it ($20 max campaign budget per GEO). It seems @Li Chee was correct and they died because of the low conversion rate :)

However, GY is still looking pretty good and these seem like they'd be worth a SmartCPM test since I'll get more traffic that way and performance overall doesn't matter as much (can manually optimize or use Landingtrack optimizer).

GY definitely has some ZoneIDs with potential:

and Landingtrack did a great job of sending traffic to the best performing offers:

So, this follow along is far from dead. I will duplicate GY and the other GEOs as SmartCPM campaigns and we'll see how that goes 👍
Well, this is interesting:

For some reason, I am hardly getting any traffic with the SmartCPM bid and I felt like it was pretty competitive. Will give it time and reevaluate later.
Pretty boring. Moving on from this campaign :D

Traffic Source: zeropark
Total Cost: $1.5116
Total revenue: $1.75
Guyana: 4 Conversions ( Gift Iphone ), Cost: $0.7071 Revenue: $1.4‬
Mauritius: 1 Conversions (GirlChat - Sexy Video) Cost: $0.8045 Revenue: $0.35
For tracking issue i unable to track the campaign unfortunately.
For tracking issue i unable to track the campaign unfortunately.
If you make a thread explaining your issue I'm sure someone can help you get all squared away ;)
A few things I picked up from the webinar yesterday that I will be consider for this follow along:
  • Duplicating a successful campaign doesn't necessarily help scale, but it doesn't not help either. I will test it out if I see some good results in any GEO 👍
  • It's not a bad idea to pause ZoneIDs even though PropellerAds is also optimizing the campaign. I've setup optimization rules in Landingtrack because of this.
How can I then scale a campaign in CPA 2.0 if I find it profitable???