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February's Top Content


Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
February was another big month for affLIFT. It's great to see that, although the shortest month, we still saw some fantastic growth.

Each month, I've been documenting some of the top content produced here in our community. It's my way of summarizing the entire month. You can see past months here:
Overall, our organic traffic was up over 20% to affLIFT last month. This seems to be a good indicator of growth for us and I hope we're able to maintain it month-over-month throughout the year :)

(affLIFT active users graph)

Most Popular Threads

Out of all the threads viewed last month, these were the most popular:
As you can see, follow alongs are still very popular here on affLIFT. Our members are running great campaigns and it's awesome to some getting their numbers in the green (profitable).

Top Forums

The majority of our discussions are still around push notifications. It awesome to see so much traffic coming in to our Public threads though. Those are definitely helping drive new membership.
We crossed 10,000 members (now nearing 11,000), but a few people who really stood out for their activity are:
One of my goals for 2019 is to publish 2 new Articles a week. I am now doing updates to the listings in our Link Directory with the help of @jairene and her team, but I've still been publishing new Articles with my other content team.

Top Articles

Here are the top articles from February:
As I mentioned, I have been working on building up content within our Link Directory as well. The Link Directory is the "pillar" of our content and I am hoping to use it to help keep things organized.

Here were the listings that got the most traffic in February:
Onward and upward 🚀
Good stuff. Is that active users graph for just February? If so is there anything you've noticed that you did to cause the spikes at certain points in the month?
perfect @Luke afflift is really growing.

I am glad being the second in the list of the active members in February, and congrats @Nick for being the first.

And I am glad too that purelander is the top on the list.

you are a hard working guy @Luke

Maximum respect brother.
I'm glad my content writing team and I are helping with AffLIFT's growth.
Our community's growth rate is great. Good times!
I myself have been reading through a lot of Follow Alongs, I hope we get more of those this month.
Nice to be mentioned in the article a few times! Will try to be active and further!
Is that active users graph for just February?
It's active members for the past few months. We always see spikes when I send out mass messages :)

Maximum respect brother.
Thanks! Appreciate your contributions to the community and I foresee PureLander just growing with the community because it's awesome and I know you're putting more work into it.

I hope we get more of those this month.
I think we will :)

Will try to be active and further!
Great! Push notifications are only getting more popular every week.