ProPush.Me is a platform for monetizing traffic with push subscriptions for affiliates and webmasters.

Follow Along Sweepstakes With PropellerAds (The Journey to $50/Day)

@ArielleT i like what i am hearing bro :love::love::love:.
really cool, just stay simple with your landing pages and your are going to see good results.

I'll make a step by step video tutorial on how to use
perfect if you have time for that that will be great, am going to do that too, i have talked about that with luke the other day.

Yeah, @Tyoussef is supposed to be working on a guide for here in the forum as well :)
am working on it @Luke, it's going to cover everything about hosting landing pages.

@ArielleT have you got conversions yet ?.
@ArielleT i like what i am hearing bro :love::love::love:.
really cool, just stay simple with your landing pages and your are going to see good results.

perfect if you have time for that that will be great, am going to do that too, i have talked about that with luke the other day.

am working on it @Luke, it's going to cover everything about hosting landing pages.

@ArielleT have you got conversions yet ?.

Yup! KISS - Keep it simple stupid.

No conversions so far :confused: I also noticed that I been getting "unknown" in my countries analysis. Spooky lol. Those ZoneIDs are going to be removed. In the mean time, I'm duplicating the campaign and using SelfAdvertiser as my 2nd PPV Traffic Source.

Stats (Tracking Platform):

PropellerAds Stats:

Excluded 2 ZoneIds. Probably bots.
Increased PropellerAds CPM rate to $1. The effect will start 10:20 PM EST. I need some data rolling.
Setting Up SelfAdvertiser to be my 2nd traffic source for my campaign. Same Campaign Flow and Offer.

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It's almost midnight for me. So I'm going to share some tips with you.

1.) Optimze your campaigns. Biggest mistake affiliates make is they simply just set and forget expecting to make a profit immediately. Look at your data. What ZoneIDs are clicking on your landing page? What's the best time people are converting. Which device converts higher. These little things are important for creating a successful campaign.

2.) Stay disiplinced. Being an affiliate media buyer isn't easy. It takes time and practice. Master your craft. Read books that will help improve yourself, and help become a better digital Marketer.

I recommend reading:
Self Improvement: "Think and Grow Rich" - Napoleon Hill
Advertising: "Cashvertising" - Drew Eric Whitman

Last but not least, don't fall for fake marketing gurus. Every time I go on YouTube, I see "Make mad money with Facebook", "Secret Affiliate Marketing Strategies", "$1000/day and 21 years old". These guys are only looking to make a quick buck out of you. And it's probably their stage name to make it catchy such as Chris Paul, Steven Richard.

If you want real affiliate experts. Attend Affiliate Conference such as Affiliate Summit, Affiliate World. I also suggest watching videos from their official YouTube channel. You get great speakers like Neil Patel.

Edit: I'll be making a guide on how to get accepted to affiliate networks that are tough to get into. I'm not talking about easy ones such as Mobidea, ClickBank, JVZoo type. The affiliate network I'm in ADVIDI, is tough to get in. But it's extremely rewarding because unlike other easy affiliate network sign ups, me and my affiliate manager talk all day, and mentors me on what to do.
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Haven't made a single conversion from my campaigns. I'm pausing my campaigns. And letting my affiliate manager know what happened.

I'll be talking more on Push Notifications, I had big success with those. And you can follow along. :)
Alright everyone. I'm not giving up. I removed the redirect rule from my tracking platform. Hopefully this will help get conversions rolling.
What you mean with redirect rule?
I had a redirect rule, if you are from any country other than United States. That means the ad will go to a different offer. Usually a Smart link offer which automatically picks the offer specific to your country.

I'm just testing out if that will help get any conversions.

My tracking platform ThriveTracker also got updated to fix some bugs. It also updated the dashboard which is really nice.

I had a redirect rule, if you are from any country other than United States. That means the ad will go to a different offer. Usually a Smart link offer which automatically picks the offer specific to your country.

I'm just testing out if that will help get any conversions.

My tracking platform ThriveTracker also got updated to fix some bugs. It also updated the dashboard which is really nice.

View attachment 2080

Oh, you mean IF not the right GEO or device or OS THEN go to the offer (smartlink) XXX. I use it for every camp :) Just don't call it redirect but rule for remnant traffic :)
Oh, you mean IF not the right GEO or device or OS THEN go to the offer (smartlink) XXX. I use it for every camp :) Just don't call it redirect but rule for remnant traffic :)
No problem I'll call it geo redirect rule and not redirect rule. I won't confuse you next time.
Try something simple like white background landing page, with country flag and little count down in the bottom that's what's working for me.
hi @ArielleT
seems you are not getting any conversion >> can you host landing page on your server ???
i will give you my winning landing page and you put that and check if you are getting conversion or not. want to test my lander or you are happy with purelander.. decide and tell me, i will give you my landing page in your PM for survey.
hi @ArielleT
seems you are not getting any conversion >> can you host landing page on your server ???
i will give you my winning landing page and you put that and check if you are getting conversion or not. want to test my lander or you are happy with purelander.. decide and tell me, i will give you my landing page in your PM for survey.
I'm definitely interested in testing your lander