Follow Along Zeropark Push + Monetizer + 2 LPs = The Return of Amahle



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Apr 17, 2018
Some say heroes never die. We're going to test that theory with the return of...


If you aren't sure who Amahle is, welcome to affLIFT and you should consider buying Anstrex spy tool where she owns a majority of the real estate among fake chat women.

Amahle is the girl name I used for my South African campaign that I used for the landing pages I created I was testing a few months ago;

For this follow along, I am going to use Amahle (new profile pic though) and see if she can find me some profitable Sources on Zeropark push.

Traffic Source: Zeropark (contest)
Landing Pages: Survey & Fake Chat (shown below)
Offer: Love Bundle from Monetizer (I've run a similar offer and have a bump on this one)
Tracker: Voluum (of course because it's a Zeropark campaign!)

To be clear, I have no idea if this campaign is going to perform on Zeropark right now, but it's worth a shot considering my history with it :)

Here are screenshots of the LPs I'm split testing:

Fake chat:


Here's what my Voluum flow setup looks like:

I'll be split testing the two landing pages to see which performs best. I'm using back button redirects to send them directly to the offer with smart fallback and push optimization setup on that link

I am collecting push subscribers. I may setup a 3rd version of the better performing LP and remove push collection to see how it does.

I'm about to setup the campaign and will post my creatives below as well :)

Fingers crossed 🀞
Shoutout to Kamilla from Zeropark. She's been my ZP account manager for years, is super helpful, and doesn't even get mad when I bug her to approve my campaigns after-hours :D

Campaign is approved and I got my first conversion, but it's from a push subscriber which I don't want to mess up my RBO in this case so I've turned off those conversions from posting to ZP:

That person did actually clickthrough to the offer though so we're sitting at 100% CTR and things can go nowhere but down from here ;)
Amahle seems much more beautiful than ever :D, you should see high CTR
Amahle seems much more beautiful than ever :D, you should see high CTR

PRO TIP: Amahle's picture is directly from the offer screenshot which I assume has to be very close to the LP (haven't seen the LP in action because it's a carrier billing offer for a specific carrier).
Okay, so once you start getting traffic, no matter how long you have been doing affiliate marketing, the first thing you should do is making sure everything is tracking right.

I've setup hundreds (maybe thousands?) of campaigns on Monetizer. But, I still make sure everything looks right before I leave the campaign alone.

It looks like my clicks are registering on Monetizer. Perfect. I also see the push subscribers I've gotten already are showing under my Push Collection Tags.

Everything appears to be setup right.

During the half hour or so the campaign has been running, the traffic is not quite up to my standards as far as volume goes. That's because of my bid.

I've already basically doubled my bid and now I'm starting to see more clicks roll in and my winning % is going up:

I'm going to bump it up another half cent and leave it alone to let it run through my budget. Fingers crossed we see some conversions overnight :D
I suggest you split test Monetizer links also - one with push collection script before the offer and the other without push collector.

Good luck!
I suggest you split test Monetizer links also - one with push collection script before the offer and the other without push collector.

Good luck!
What I’m planning is basically the same thing but using the JavaScript collection instead of smartlink.

So far my only conversions are subscribers which is a little disheartening. We’ll see what it looks like tomorrow πŸ˜€
Cheated and took a look. Got our first conversion. Nice. I also duplicated the survey lander since it's performing better and removed the push collection. We'll see if it starts to convert better without the prompt to subscribe to the push notification:

Our first batch of testing is done :)

The results are okay. Let's break it down:

My creatives ended up being pretty consistent as far as CTR goes. The first one is performing best and it's actually very similar to the creatives I've used for this campaign in the past.

Next, let's take a look at the landing pages:

I was most interested in this report because I really wanted to know if removing the push subscription notice would improve the ROI. It did.

This is the breakdown of the LB3. It helps that the back button got a conversion (thanks back button script), but overall, the performance is definitely looking better without the push subscription notice. The push subscribers aren't converting to much yet so I'm not really missing out on extra revenue. We'll see if that changes though.

Creatives and landing pages are just part of the story here though. What we really need to look at are the Sources I am getting traffic from on Zeropark and the report does not disappoint:

This is exactly what I was hoping to see. That top Source is being paused and I will be keeping a close eye on rubiginous-toucan.

There's definitely some potential here. I am going to do another $50 test and we'll see what things look like after another round of testing.

I like to duplicate my Path to separate rounds of testing:

You should be able to do this with any tracker. Now, when I run my reports, I can choose the second Path (Amahle v2) and drilldown on that. I'll also be able to see how removing LB1 (chat) helps improve my ROI (and pause the bad source/targets).

Hopefully we see better ROI by the end of the day πŸ‘
The initial results in this v2 test are looking interesting. I'm going to let Voluum go ahead and send traffic to the lander that they think is going to perform best:

I think I know which lander they're going to like the most:

I am also testing passing back push revenue from Monetizer when using your own landing page (JavaScript implementation) and after some back-and-forth with @Voluum and @Monetizer, I think I finally have everything setup properly. So, I should start seeing some push revenue postback soon :D

Alright, so things are going well. I don't feel we're really squeezing enough value out of the back button redirect right now so what I am going to do is setup a separate Path that does not include the back button, but does rotate and optimize for the best offer.

Monetizer has quite a few offers that are very similar to Love Bundle so I am going to split test those and see if any of them are performing better now that I have Sources and Targets that are performing well with this LP.

I'll post an update tonight πŸ‘
Ah, realized the creative was still on with no conversions:

It's paused now.

Also, setup Amahle2 v3:

I decided to pause v2 while I run this v3 since I'm not getting a ton of traffic. I bumped up my budget so traffic will run and then I can compare v2 to v3.

It'll be interesting to see if any of these other similar offers perform better than the original :)
To breakdown the changes:
  • I optimized earlier for best performing LPs
  • I optimized Sources
  • I optimized Targets
  • I optimized creatives
  • Now, I am optimizing for offers.
With the Sources/Targets and good performing creatives, I should hopefully find an offer out of these that is going to be a winner. I can then potentially add back the back button script if I want.

Hopefully we also see some push revenue come in, but that will just be a nice little revenue source and not the profit source. The offer will determine the profit more than likely. I should have a few clear winning Sources/Targets by tomorrow as well πŸ‘
This study looks great. Thanks for sharing.

I was curious what happens when Googling Amahle and found out that your domain (the one with the demo lander) is ranking top 30 on the image results page. If Amahle ever becomes trend, you should add your tracking to the lander and move the actual lander somewhere else :) #freetraffic
