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2021 Kick-off Link Directory Contest - $500 in Prizes

Buy Website Traffic
I rated Traffic Company! Excellent and high-quality network(y)(y)(y)
Last edited:
A new review for GoldenGoose
I left a review for Golden Goose.

We've gotten a ton of great new ratings/reviews posted over the past few weeks. Keep them coming. Contest ends Friday ๐Ÿ‘
I delayed drawing the winners today because honestly, I forgot to do it on Friday! I had it on my Todoist for the wrong data and I'm so dependent on my Todoist to help me with what I need to get done that I completely forgot I had to pick winners.

Anyway, I just rewrote the SQL command to choose 10 random winners and they are...

@Pablo T
@Ahmed Ibrahim

I will be messaging each of you to get your PayPal email to send you your $50 prize :)

Thank you everyone for participating!

Congratulations to All winners :)
Congrats to the winners :cool:

Congrats everybody!