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Follow Along Zeropark + Voluum + PeerFly. Goal = Spot 3 Profitable campaigns

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You guys just said that volumm is free for zero park. So how can I get that?

Last time I checked, Voluum wasn't free, even if used with ZeroPark. What is free though are EVENTS.

Say you pick Voluum's plan with 1M events per month. You can send 50M events from ZP if you want, and you won't be charged for these events at all. However you will still have to pay ZP for this traffic and pay Voluum for access to the tracker.
A question about time zones.

I have setup my offers in voluum, and started driving traffic.
Today I checked the spent and saw that data were not the same between zeropark and voluum, So i checked the timezones and they were on a different timezone. Now I have setup Zeropark and Voluum to the same timezones (GMT+1, Rome/Italy) so the data are ok.

The point is that data from Peerfly are in a different timezone, so if I check the stats i see that yesterday i had 3 conversions that I don't see in my tracker.

Doing things properly, how the timezone should be set? Affiliate Network Timezone or your home timezone?
I prefer to use my timezone so I can clearly see what happened yesterday and today, without guessing but i want to be sure about that.
I don't think there's a "right way" to do it, unless you're optimizing your ADs schedule, in which case you should set the timezone to match the traffic source's one.
You are right! I am overcomplicating.
Anyway peerfly has got a feature to let you watch the stats in the timezone you want
Alright, quick update on my version of @markbeats campaigns since launching them yesterday:

Campaign 1 is definitely off to a rough start, but the traffic is very cheap. I only have 1 conversion to base my decisions off of, but I want to start removing sources that aren't performing well since I've already spent nearly 25x the payout. We're going to need some profitable sources/targets to be able to get this one profitable.

Campaign 1 Optimizations:

I do not have any profitable sources. That's not a shock since I only have 1 conversion. I'm going to pause the top 2 spending sources since they do not have a conversion yet. There could be winning targets in those sources that I just do not have enough data on yet, but I want to focus on the source I do have a conversion on and block out the rest of the "noise" :)

Next, let's take an even deeper look at the source, russet-lark, that has a conversion. I'm breaking it down by device type since I'm currently targeting both mobile and desktop on this campaign:

Alright, we have some green! It turns out my 1 conversion so far was from a mobile phone. We can now also group by OS and see which type of phone got that one conversion:

Well, would you look at that. Some data. So far, with Android phones from russet-lark, I have nearly an 80% positive ROI. To be fair, I don't have much data on IOS (30 clicks for $0.14) for this source. So, I am going to update my campaign so it's only targeting mobile devices.

I'll dig deeper into this source once I have more data. I've doubled my daily budget on the campaign to $20. We'll see how this next batch of traffic goes for us.

Campaign 2 Optimizations:

A quick glance at the sources I am getting traffic from on this campaign shows a lot. Without going past this screen, I know:
  • whey-wild needs to be paused
  • badious-buzzard has a ton of potential
  • conquelicot-bear could be AWESOME
This campaign, although currently ROI negative, definitely has some potential. About half my money has gone to whey-wild and it doesn't seem to want to convert with this offer. I could breakdown it's targets and see if there are any losers in there that are eating up the budget, but I'm just going to pause it for now and focus on the sources that are working.

Let's breakdown badious-buzzard by target since it's nearly breakeven with 2 conversions already:

Green is good! We have 2 targets on this source that are profitable with a good bit of traffic already. Let's see what Zeropark has to tell us about these targets:

Good news. We're only buying about 10% of the traffic of the top target and according to the Voluum report screenshot above, our EPV on it is almost $0.05. My average cost per click right now for zulu-sat-exQfZLt1 is only $0.0179. I will manually bid $0.025 right now and happily take a 50% ROI if this target can maintain a good conversion rate.

IMPORTANT: 1 conversion could be a fluke. 2 is much better.

We only have 1 conversion on each of the top targets right now so that doesn't mean we're going to be able to maintain the current conversion rate those are producing. HOWEVER, it's definitely encouraging and worth a test.

With zulu-sat-exQfZLt1, I am only buying about 10% of the traffic. From my experience with Zeropark, I know I can buy 50% with a good bid. We'll see if $0.025 is good enough and then I'l adjust my bid accordingly once I have more data.

Our conversion rate on the second target (hotel-god-Dn4BRIyY) is even better. It seems to have less traffic, but I want to buy as much of it as possible too since it appears it may be a winner. Our EPV is $0.06. Currently, my average auto bid for this is $0.015 and I'm buying about 18% of the traffic with that bid. I probably do not need to bump my bid to 50% of my EPV ($0.03). I'm going to bump this one to $0.025 too just because I like when numbers match ;)

Bumping both of these target's bids should mean I will get more of their traffic. We'll see how it goes.

I am going to leave the other source along because there's not enough data. The offer for this campaign pays $2 and besides gridelin-bear, I haven't even spent $2 on any one of the sources without a conversion (besides twhey-wild which I've paused).

Finally, let's take a look at our most profitable source for these 2 campaigns so far, coquelicot-bear.

I already have a 551% ROI no this source. BOOM. That's the good news. The bad news is that I've only been able to buy 14 of the 5,800 clicks that Zeropark is showing "Available" on this source since yesterday. My average cost for this source is $0.0219.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If your average cost is showing as more than what you are actually bidding, you are underbidding that source on Zeropark.

The reason I haven't been able to buy much of the traffic is because I'm underbidding. That's a good sign. This source must convert well if other advertisers are bidding higher for it's traffic. Zeropark was nice enough to send me a few clicks from it even though I'm bidding too low and I was lucky to get a conversion from one of those. So, we definitely need to test this source more.

I'm going to take a guess and say I need to bid at least $0.05 to get a better look at this source. My EPV right now is $0.14. I can afford to try $0.05 based on that data. So, for coquelicot-bear, I am setting a manual bid of $0.05. I will continue auto bidding the rest of the sources at $0.02.

Here's what my source tab looks like for this campaign now:

This seems like a lot of work for 2 campaigns that have lost me about $30 already right? WRONG! This is what you have to do if you want to be successful with affiliate marketing.

90% of the affiliates I know would have looked at the stats and said "well, this isn't going to work" and paused both campaigns.

They may not work, but it definitely looks like they have potential. Now, we just need to spend a little bit more money to see if we're on the right track :)
wow @Luke , this is very instructional!

So here are my stats. As i wrote i restarted my campaign 2 days ago On Voluum , I had some sources already blocked on Zeropark from the campaign on bemob.
The problem is that even if zeropark and voluum should be linked, I don't see the conversions in voluum and in zeropark, I am trying understand what i did wrong but it is very strange since the softwares are linked. I need to check everything now, but i am kind of lost.

Campaign 1: only had 1 conversions in 2 days (not tracked)
CPV 0,0008 VISITS: 19.579 COST: 15.67 CONVERSIONS: 1

I bidded way less than luke (0.0008), so I imagine i had lower quality traffic.
This is very bad. I had 7 conversions during the last 3 -4 days and weeded out some bad sources and I still have few conversions and I am at loss.

Campaign 2: 1 conversions in 2 days (not tracked)
CPV 0,0008 VISITS: 22.110 COST: 17.70 CONVERSIONS: 1

I can understand why people got frustrated and stop doing this.
I experienced a lot of problems since starting this follow along.

It is not an easy 'Set the campaign and wait', at least for a newbie.
Now i have to figure out why my Voluum is not tracking conversions!!

@Luke could you tell us how did you setup the campaigns? Maybe we did some basic settings different.
My campaign 1 is setupl Like this

1 Country
Standard Traffic
CPV 0.0008
ADVANCED: DESKTOP: All except the 2 last choices
MOBILE: All except the 2 last choices

Quite the same for campaign 2
Ok, talking about tracking, i noticed that I had the old Bemob postback in Perrfly, this is why Voluum did not track my conversions.
Remember to change the postback according to the tracker you are using

Is it possible to use more than 1 postback in Peerfly?
Example: I would like to use voluum for my campaigns on zeropark, and bemob for my campaigns in another traffic source.
Is it possible to add 2 Postbacks?
@Luke could you tell us how did you setup the campaigns? Maybe we did some basic settings different.
I set it up how I figured you had:

Campaign 1:

Campaign 2:

New Lesson: You can use more than one postback in Peerfly.
Simply, if you want to change your postback for a single offer you head over to
'Tools' on the offer page
'Setup Postback'

After that you are able to send a Test Conversion too!

Is it possible to use more than 1 postback in Peerfly?
Example: I would like to use voluum for my campaigns on zeropark, and bemob for my campaigns in another traffic source.
Is it possible to add 2 Postbacks?
You cannot add 2 global postbacks. You should not need to 2. If you want to use BeMob and Zeropark, you'll need to set a Specific Postback on the offer. So, this can be different than your global. If you set a specific postback on the offer (click the green Tools menu on the offer page) then PeerFly will not fire your global postback.
New Lesson: You can use more than one postback in Peerfly.
Simply, if you want to change your postback for a single offer you head over to
'Tools' on the offer page
'Setup Postback'

After that you are able to send a Test Conversion too!

View attachment 2629
Looks like you figured it out about 30 seconds before I posted lol
I will do another optimization walkthrough later today on Campaign 2. It looks likely I'm just going to pause Campaign 1. It does seem like I might be able to get Campaign 2 profitable today though based on the since my optimizations yesterday :)
I will do another optimization walkthrough later today on Campaign 2. It looks likely I'm just going to pause Campaign 1. It does seem like I might be able to get Campaign 2 profitable today though based on the since my optimizations yesterday :)
You are a Jedi
Funny thing,
since we bidded differently, I have not received traffic from 1 single sources of the ones i see in your report.

Do you think bidding higher leads to best traffic quality?
Funny thing,
since we bidded differently, I have not received traffic from 1 single sources of the ones i see in your report.

Do you think bidding higher leads to best traffic quality?
Bidding higher is going to get you access to sources who have a minimum bid amount that you are not reaching.
Voluum has an integration thing with Zeropark. I did it like 5 years ago so I can't remember where it is, but you should be able to find it.