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Follow Along ZeroPark - Push - SOI


Grand Guru
Nov 1, 2021
🎯 Traffic Source: ZeroPark
🔧 Tracking Tool: Bemob
✅ Affiliate Network: my own Casino E-Mail list
👍 Type of Offer: SOI
💰 Offer Payout: -
🏆 I believe this campaign will be successful because: A growing list is a good list
🔍 I am unsure about: Until now I only used Propeller to grow my list. Does Zeropark work well, too?

My follow along will be a addition to this one:

My balance in Propeller got low today and i need some diversion.

So I will test 200$ in Zeropark. and make a short break from Propeller.

Added the same creatives into Zeropark that i use in Propeller.
Use NZ as GEO.

The first difference between Zeropark and Propellerads is the much lower recommended bidprice in Zero. This means the traffic could not be that good as well?!

Let´s see when campaign gets approved. It seems that Zeropark is not as fast as Propellerads.
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