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What's the longest Push campaign you ran profitable?

I was running a campaign in February-March in a single push traffic source, when that traffic source dried up I quitted it(mistake). Then, since last month I am using the exact same setup in different traffic source and it is working.

the problem in my situation was the traffic source, but I didn't know that,
There are camps that can last quite a while, have ones that work for nearly a year now but your ROI is probably 20% at most and there could be multiple down days (or even 1-2 weeks) just that we sometimes leave it and then when you look at your last 30 days its fine overall (likely some other people gave up during that 2 week stint where scrubs rate went up etc.)
For me, all push campaigns lost I do 5-time payout and skill and always had to lose like 10-time payout before I get 1 conversion and even when I try to optimize 1 campaign I got like 45 conversions still, not profit but breakeven I did optimize I got 0 conversions and lost double budget spend I want so many follow along I watch so many case study still nothing so there are two reasons for that I'm massive stupid not even human or I'm not lucky like -100% down. so Yep if you collect all budget I spend it's like more than 7k$ and I got 16$ in Clickdealer 2.8$ in Maxbounty 112$ in Zeydoo 4.7$ in traffic company 8$ in Mobidea so only Zeydoo I can withdraw the rest useless money. I never give up I still LOSING :ROFLMAO:

try to diversify the traffic sources and don't use the same landing pages.
maybe that's the problem.
try to diversify the traffic sources and don't use the same landing pages.
maybe that's the problem.
well, after all this losing, I know I can't work like you. I can't lose for 2 weeks and after that, I win because I don't have money to cover this, and for me, after I see 100$ lose and ROI not change a lot I get crazy I understand this business need to be patient but my wallet can't so I love Arbitrage I really try to success in CPA, but I can't do it I see follow along for @Nick and servandosilva and @jimmyvanilla and @Luke and so many other and try to do what they do but still losing for example last push campaign I did was from Zeydoo, and I created 8 creative and set budget 10 time the payout and 0 conversions 100$ gone someone can say change creative change land ...etc. that means another 100 or 200$ lose and I don't know when I can win so I can't effort that my salary in my job is 700$ after eating & drink ...ect all the month that's 500$ or less so when I lose 100$ or 200$ in a campaign I have to think there is only 300$ and I don't what will happen tommrow so I think you get my point. It's hard
@renadoha I think you need to get back to the basics and re-evaluate your strategy.

for example last push campaign I did was from Zeydoo, and I created 8 creative and set budget 10 time the payout and 0 conversions 100$ gone
If what you’re saying is really what happened then your offer payout must be $10... is that correct?

If it is correct then the first thing you’ll want to do is pick offers with a much lower payout... probably under $1, but preferably under $0.50.

Then, you’re not spending enough testing if your offer payout is really $10 and you’re running 8x creatives. Each creative is getting approximately 1.25x the payout, which is not enough because each ad is also being spread among hundreds or maybe thousands of sourceIDs/websiteIDs.

You’d have to get really lucky to find a winner campaign like this.
@renadoha I think you need to get back to the basics and re-evaluate your strategy.

If what you’re saying is really what happened then your offer payout must be $10... is that correct?

If it is correct then the first thing you’ll want to do is pick offers with a much lower payout... probably under $1, but preferably under $0.50.

Then, you’re not spending enough testing if your offer payout is really $10 and you’re running 8x creatives. Each creative is getting approximately 1.25x the payout, which is not enough because each ad is also being spread among hundreds or maybe thousands of sourceIDs/websiteIDs.

You’d have to get really lucky to find a winner campaign like this.
That was the last push campaign I did, but I worked with normal sweepstakes offer payout from 1.5 to 2.8 max, and I still didn't find success. The fear is the biggest obstacle I face, as I said about my salary, spending, and other Responsibilities, not just-food. I hope one day I find my way in this business
since your budget is limited, i think you should focus on low payout offers instead.
That was the last push campaign I did, but I worked with normal sweepstakes offer payout from 1.5 to 2.8 max, and I still didn't find success. The fear is the biggest obstacle I face, as I said about my salary, spending, and other Responsibilities, not just-food. I hope one day I find my way in this business
I'm a newbie affiliate (but not very newbie).
I'm not an expert to advice but here is some of my experience.
I'm also having hard time to make profitable campaign with sweepstakes.
Here are 2 things you may also consider.

1. conversion scrub
I heard of that conversion scrub is common especially with email submit type sweepstakes offers.
Conversion scrub means that advertiser only pays you 1 conversion when there are 3 conversions for example.
They say they reduce conversion rate if the traffic quality is bad.
But, it is true that they can adjust conversion rate at any time.
What I personally expect in the future is the affiliate network run by blockchain tech.
I heard that decentralized blockchain tech will eliminate all of these kind of shady conversion srcub that is occurred in the middle.
I remember few decentralized affiliate networks were established few years ago but it seems that they were closed when bitcoin price drop :(
There are few websites that seems still alive.
But I would not use it for now because it still looks very early stage so there might be various issue.

2. click loss on tracker
I wonder what tracker you use.
In my personal experience, Voluum has the minimum click loss rate.
Low click loss rate means higher ROI.
If your campaign has -20 ROI, it can be changed to +20 only by reducing click loss.
You should check both of visit number in the tracker and traffic sources.
I'm a newbie affiliate (but not very newbie).
I'm not an expert to advice but here is some of my experience.
I'm also having hard time to make profitable campaign with sweepstakes.
Here are 2 things you may also consider.

1. conversion scrub
I heard of that conversion scrub is common especially with email submit type sweepstakes offers.
Conversion scrub means that advertiser only pays you 1 conversion when there are 3 conversions for example.
They say they reduce conversion rate if the traffic quality is bad.
But, it is true that they can adjust conversion rate at any time.
What I personally expect in the future is the affiliate network run by blockchain tech.
I heard that decentralized blockchain tech will eliminate all of these kind of shady conversion srcub that is occurred in the middle.
I remember few decentralized affiliate networks were established few years ago but it seems that they were closed when bitcoin price drop :(
There are few websites that seems still alive.
But I would not use it for now because it still looks very early stage so there might be various issue.

2. click loss on tracker
I wonder what tracker you use.
In my personal experience, Voluum has the minimum click loss rate.
Low click loss rate means higher ROI.
If your campaign has -20 ROI, it can be changed to +20 only by reducing click loss.
You should check both of visit number in the tracker and traffic sources.
If your campaign has -20 ROI, it can be changed to +20 only by reducing click loss.
You should check both of visit number in the tracker and traffic source

That's the problem I don't know which the real and which is a bot and there is no guide on affLIFT for this no one explains how I discover it through IP? Browser? connection? I don't know I hope someone can explain this and tell us how we can know the difference between real and bots
If your campaign has -20 ROI, it can be changed to +20 only by reducing click loss.
You should check both of visit number in the tracker and traffic source

That's the problem I don't know which the real and which is a bot and there is no guide on affLIFT for this no one explains how I discover it through IP? Browser? connection? I don't know I hope someone can explain this and tell us how we can know the difference between real and bots
Clickloss and bots are 2 different things.
Clickloss and bots are 2 different things.
I read it in your blog

How to fix Clickloss?

Make sure your tracker and landing pages are loading as fast as possible.
Eliminate the high click loss Targets/Sources from your campaign.
Use a landing page instead of direct linking

OK I get that but still my question is the same about bots how I can know the difference between real and bots
If your campaign has -20 ROI, it can be changed to +20 only by reducing click loss.
You should check both of visit number in the tracker and traffic source

That's the problem I don't know which the real and which is a bot and there is no guide on affLIFT for this no one explains how I discover it through IP? Browser? connection? I don't know I hope someone can explain this and tell us how we can know the difference between real and bots
Click loss means your tracker receives less clicks (visit numbers).
For example, your tracker may show 50 clicks but the report page of the traffic sources shows 70 clicks.
In my experience, self-hosted tracker with cheap vps server has more click loss.
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