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Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

Hello Everyone,

I'm excited to share my own results. But first I'll like to thank everyone who had taken action and also shared their own result. which has given me the data to achieve mine.

And a special thank you to @Luke for creating this platform and making this possible.

All I did, was simply choose only winning countries from all results and only winning website IDs:

Test #1 result:

View attachment 6644

All offers were profitable:

View attachment 6645

Turkey is the winner here.

View attachment 6646

I have removed all the other countries and toped up my account for another test.

I will update the results once complete.

Thanks again to all...

Any comments and ideas on improving the campaign are highly welcome :)
Fantastic first results. Keep up the good work! Have you looked at website stats? Remove websites that are generating lots of visits but zero or very few conversions - in other words, websites draining your funds but providing very little or no revenue in return.
Hello Everyone,

I'm excited to share my own results. But first I'll like to thank everyone who had taken action and also shared their own result. which has given me the data to achieve mine.

And a special thank you to @Luke for creating this platform and making this possible.

All I did, was simply choose only winning countries from all results and only winning website IDs:

Test #1 result:

View attachment 6644

All offers were profitable:

View attachment 6645

Turkey is the winner here.

View attachment 6646:

I have removed all the other countries and toped up my account for another test.

I will update the results once complete.

Thanks again to all...

Any comments and ideas on improving the campaign are highly welcome :)
Fantastic! 👍🚀
Hello guys!
I wanted to share my results so far for this campaign. On my first optimisation, I removed all countries but Morocco, South Korea, Colombia and Peru; offer # 2 was gone but didn't touch websites. On second round, I removed Peru and offer #5; and whitelisted all websites that converted for the 3 remaining countries (44 total). Oh, and I raised the bid from $0.00029 to $0.00033.

Now after 2 days of testing, offer # 3 is the only one profitable and South Korea and Morocco are profitable; Colombia had 0 conversions today.



For websites, of the 44 I mentioned, only 5 had conversions today. There are some worth testing a little more though.

If I start removing websites again traffic will decrease for sure. And I think Colombia can still be profitable, but how? What should I do then? If I create a new offer for each country separately with its own winning websites, how can I make this one profitable?

Any suggestions are highly appreciated :)
Hello guys!
I wanted to share my results so far for this campaign. On my first optimisation, I removed all countries but Morocco, South Korea, Colombia and Peru; offer # 2 was gone but didn't touch websites. On second round, I removed Peru and offer #5; and whitelisted all websites that converted for the 3 remaining countries (44 total). Oh, and I raised the bid from $0.00029 to $0.00033.

Now after 2 days of testing, offer # 3 is the only one profitable and South Korea and Morocco are profitable; Colombia had 0 conversions today.

View attachment 6709

View attachment 6711

For websites, of the 44 I mentioned, only 5 had conversions today. There are some worth testing a little more though.

View attachment 6712

If I start removing websites again traffic will decrease for sure. And I think Colombia can still be profitable, but how? What should I do then? If I create a new offer for each country separately with its own winning websites, how can I make this one profitable?

Any suggestions are highly appreciated :)
If you want to try to optimize this down real hard with the data you have, you can drilldown pretty far. For example:
  1. Click on South Korea in your second screenshot and Drilldown Report
  2. Make note of the most profitable offers.
  3. Click on Custom and run the report for your WebsiteIDs.
  4. Filter so you're only seeing WebsiteIDs that are profitable.
  5. Create a new campaign on PopAds for South Korea rotating the offers that are profitable and only include the WebsiteIDs that are profitable :)
If you want to try to optimize this down real hard with the data you have, you can drilldown pretty far. For example:
  1. Click on South Korea in your second screenshot and Drilldown Report
  2. Make note of the most profitable offers.
  3. Click on Custom and run the report for your WebsiteIDs.
  4. Filter so you're only seeing WebsiteIDs that are profitable.
  5. Create a new campaign on PopAds for South Korea rotating the offers that are profitable and only include the WebsiteIDs that are profitable :)
Thanks @Luke!
I should do the same for Morocco, right? What about Colombia? Should I definitely forget about it?
I think I made a big mistake at the very beginning of this campaign, and that was to remove so many countries before giving them a chance; $5 is a pretty low budget to gather enough data.
One thing I want to do is, once I make back a little money from this, is to run the same with another pops traffic network (adcash maybe).

Thanks again

Nothing special. Even in Drill Down Report, all red/negative :( funny that I was next to my computer when I got the notification that PopAds approved my ads, and 18 minutes later another notification "budget depleted". Wow! It's fun to see all these complex parts interconnect, you push a button, and stuff happens!

Taking a nap.

Will review Mega Guide tomorrow on what to look for optimization. At this point, I'd say I ran the ads at odd hours of the day, so a second round with no campaign modifications should be interesting :)
Nothing special. Even in Drill Down Report, all red/negative :(

I'm really surprised at those results. I mean, red's probably expected, but 0 conversions for three of the smartlinks looks really strange to me. Just double check to make sure your links are set up/working properly because something doesn't seem right. Does the Mobipium dashboard agree with the results you're getting in your tracker?

Nothing special. Even in Drill Down Report, all red/negative :( funny that I was next to my computer when I got the notification that PopAds approved my ads, and 18 minutes later another notification "budget depleted". Wow! It's fun to see all these complex parts interconnect, you push a button, and stuff happens!

Check the Website ID-s report. Might be that one bad source burnt 90% of your budget and got you 0 conversions back :(
Does the Mobipium dashboard agree with the results you're getting in your tracker?

Lieutenant @jimmyvanilla, sir... upon further investigation, which was sparked by your recommendation to double-check ma' self (before I wreck ma' self)... is what the evidence shows, your honor:

On the top is exhibit A, link tracker data.
On the bottom is exhibit B, my affiliate network dashboard.

...while I am a total newbie who can't tell left from right yet, my baby eyeballs go to the Key Performance Indicators ("the numbers that most matter") illustrated by the red box I drew around Mobipium. The two numbers don't appear to reconcile.

yeah, there's time zone lag to take into consideration, but it's been over 12 hours I believe, and these should be matching, I assume? At this particular juncture, Lieutenant sir, it appears Mobipium is awarding me $0.49 profit, while BeMob displays a total sum of -$3.67 loss...

...which invariably puts ME -- at a "loss" for words. If you need me, I'll be curled up in a corner, balling my eyes out.

P.S. When I pull the Drilldown Report on the converted offers, I do indeed see green (profit) rows, but I guess the sum for that offer is still negative, and so my top-level campaign metrics show an overall score of: zero, zilch, donuts, nada.
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One thing I want to do is, once I make back a little money from this, is to run the same with another pops traffic network (adcash maybe).
Hi @Add!c7ed 👋 Are you planning on quickly leaving Mobipium so soon... I'm just starting out today, and I tried only the Smartlink offers, but there are other types to play with under the Market section in the dashboard.

I was thinking to run enough SmartLink offers until I uncover a few gems, then head over to the Market section to find new offers that match my partitions (country, carrier, etc).

It was going ok for me, I chose the best performing country and put it in a separate campaign.
Then, after around 20h of running it, AP went down to 0.

During those 2 hours I lost all the profit i made in the previous 18h.

Is Mobipium variable CPA assigned per country, or per affiliate? If the country i tested went down to almost 0 AP, will it be also close to 0 for any other country i plan to test next until my traffic improves? Or do we have a "fresh start" on each GEO?
it's scary how deep the Drilldown Report takes me!

I drilled all the way down on a particular winning offer.

What I uncovered was that the person who clicked my offer lives in...

United Arab Emirates Dubai mobile wi-fi android chrome Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone > 1440x2960 Thursday 9:40:32am married wife, 2 kids, dog enjoys long walks in the park name is 'Bob' pizza & donuts over veggies is thinking of becoming an affiliate marketer...

...say wha-...!?!
how do I automate BeMob to allocate more of my daily budget IN REAL-TIME to only the emerging conversions? If I get a conversion, I want 8.4% of my remaining daily budget to shift towards that winner, so that the losing ones don't flush my easily-earned money down the proverbial drain.

OH WAIT!! This news just in...

..I'm reading the BeMob blog like my life depends on it, and I forgot about their cool little feature called "Sixth Sense". I think this is what I need!

Man-oh-man! Am I going to be filthy rich soon! 🧛‍♂️ 🦇
how do I automate BeMob to allocate more of my daily budget IN REAL-TIME to only the emerging conversions? If I get a conversion, I want 8.4% of my remaining daily budget to shift towards that winner, so that the losing ones don't flush my easily-earned money down the proverbial drain.

OH WAIT!! This news just in...

..I'm reading the BeMob blog like my life depends on it, and I forgot about their cool little feature called "Sixth Sense". I think this is what I need!

Man-oh-man! Am I going to be filthy rich soon! 🧛‍♂️ 🦇
how do you tell the difference between the winners and the losers? are you using any statistical instrument? if no then... i think the only party getting filthy rich is the traffic source
are you using any statistical instrument?
yes. It's called "Sixth-Sense" by BeMob. It turns green/red for winners/losers respectively, for all emerging conversions. This is simple arithmetic, as it accumulates my conversions. No fancy-pants statistical algorithms necessary. It's something which BeMob is already currently capable of (accumulating and displaying conversions in real time) 🧛‍♂️ 🦇
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Is Mobipium variable CPA assigned per country, or per affiliate? If the country i tested went down to almost 0 AP, will it be also close to 0 for any other country i plan to test next until my traffic improves? Or do we have a "fresh start" on each GEO?
I believe it's assigned per affiliate. I was told that the payouts are adjusted based on the quality of the traffic; they analyze how many of the leads can receive an impression and the rest are marked as bot traffic.