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Hello From the UK


Active Member
Mar 18, 2023
Hello, Everyone!

My name is Ancil and I've been doing affiliate marketing since 6th Feb 2023 (using Google Ads & Bemob tracking). The dream is to use the income I make from affiliate marketing to fund other business ventures, own an general aviation aircraft (when I was younger I always wanted to be a pilot) and to live what I like to call an abundant but simple life. Which means living like a regular person (aside from owning an aircraft), but having a lot more options when it comes to my time, money and freedom.

I started my first business when I was 15 buying and selling bikes. I stopped as when I was selling one of the bikes someone stole it from me. Then at age 18 to 19 I started an SMMA business. I learned a ton from going on meetings etc, but in the end it wasn't it for me. Now that I'm 21 and have some little savings and a job (plus living with parents) I wanted to do affiliate marketing with paid ads as I was really interested in this when I was younger, but at that time I didn't have the money to
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