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Guide Find Offers to Promote on PropellerAds


Secret Agent 🕵️‍♂️
Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 9, 2019
This month We have A contest Running with propeller Ads, to make it easy,in this guide i will show you how I will pick offers to promote on propellerads specially

it will have two parts
1- Pops
2- Push

Mainly I will be using Adplexity Mobiles for Spying on pops and Anstrex For Spying on Push Ads

1- Pops. When checking adplexity Mobile and check how many campaigns running in the last 14days .. you will find around 35000, campaigns 🤔 and that's a very huge number compared to the 14 days, but this number is not completely right, so many campaigns are duplicated and adplexity may have listed it as separate campaigns.


and in order to search well inside adplexity for certain offers, i make my own filtration for some networks and start from there,

breaking down each campaign for a particular affiliate network gives me a chance to judge clearly on each offer, then start from there
you will find a filtration for Monetizer, Zeydo, mobidea,maxbounty, Mobipium, Traffic company, Goldengoose and Adcombo
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