Traffic Nomads Ad Network
Traffic Nomads Ad Network

Step 14 - Success / Failure Stories

the second $5 budget still remaining, but the ROI has turn green :)
I am very happy to see all this
special thank to @Luke for this step by step beginners guide. I luv u man.. haha
View attachment 7414
View attachment 7415
Doing well 👍 Maybe it’s time to kill Push_Smart_5? It’s really performing very poorly compared with the other smartlinks. I presume you’re using PopAds as your traffic source. You should run a report to see if you can find poorly performing websites and blacklist them, if you haven’t done so already. Don’t be tempted to over-optimise though. Once you have grasped the basic concepts, move on to testing other offers - you’re never going to be making big profits with this campaign, most people following this thread are doing the same thing, all competing for the same traffic for the same smartlinks. 😉
Doing well 👍 Maybe it’s time to kill Push_Smart_5? It’s really performing very poorly compared with the other smartlinks. I presume you’re using PopAds as your traffic source. You should run a report to see if you can find poorly performing websites and blacklist them, if you haven’t done so already. Don’t be tempted to over-optimise though. Once you have grasped the basic concepts, move on to testing other offers - you’re never going to be making big profits with this campaign, most people following this thread are doing the same thing, all competing for the same traffic for the same smartlinks. 😉

here's my final result of this step by step beginners guide

I have learned a lot here, how to analyze and optimize data. 😁
now, I want to try another offer, but I am still confused, what offer that is roughly easy for beginners.
is there a any recommendation what offer should I choose next? @Luke @Apollo
Hi @adicom,

First off, very well done for getting this far. An excellent first attempt, if that is what it was. 👍

Before taking your next step to try a new offer, you should take a little time to consider the following:
  1. BeMob and other trackers don't necessarily give you the correct data in their reporting, for a variety of reasons. I am almost 100% certain that you will find that the number of Visits reported by BeMob is less than the number of Impressions reported by PopAds. There is usually some 'click loss' between the traffic source and tracker. You will probably also find that the Revenue reported by BeMob is different to that reported by Mobipium. Therefore, the ROI in your screenshot may actually be quite different to the real value.
  2. @Luke's guide was deliberately kept simple so as to encourage newbies to take the first steps and see some measure of success. But in keeping it simple, a couple of important issues were not dealt with. First, the need to use your own tracking URL instead of relying on BeMob's default. If you haven't done so already, you should purchase a domain to use as a tracking URL; I recommend Namecheap. Second, if you haven't already done so, you need to consider using landing pages (LPs or landers) instead of directly linking to offers. Sometimes you can direct-link with moderate success, but eventually you will need to use LPs (and when you do, you will need to host them somewhere); Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a good place to start. Of the two issues, it is important to concentrate on getting your own tracking URL set up.
  3. Another thing to consider is whether you're going to stick with the PopAds-BeMob-Mobipium setup, that you've become familiar with as a result of following Luke's guide, or do something different. I suggest maybe looking at Mobipium's other smartlinks or offers in the Market section as a way forward, that way you will only have the new smartlink/offer to worry about. Trying to change everything in one go will be confusing. The best way to get advice on which smartlinks/offers to try is by having a word with your Account Manager (AM) on Skype or via email.
I hope the above helps in some small way.
Hello everybody, I try to post my results until today. Sorry for my English 😬

First day

Second day
I have remove push_smart 3 and 5 and left the best performing country at the moment (Italy, Thailand, Mexico, Egypt, Nepal and Philippines)

Third day

The best performing country was Italy, so I left only Italy and I removed a lot of websites.
Than I see one sigle website that made a lot of conversions so I removed all the others that in the meantime had all become negative... maybe I exaggerated 😅


I also removed some regions that had 0 conversions.
But now how can I go on?
Hi @adicom,

First off, very well done for getting this far. An excellent first attempt, if that is what it was. 👍

Before taking your next step to try a new offer, you should take a little time to consider the following:
  1. BeMob and other trackers don't necessarily give you the correct data in their reporting, for a variety of reasons. I am almost 100% certain that you will find that the number of Visits reported by BeMob is less than the number of Impressions reported by PopAds. There is usually some 'click loss' between the traffic source and tracker. You will probably also find that the Revenue reported by BeMob is different to that reported by Mobipium. Therefore, the ROI in your screenshot may actually be quite different to the real value.
  2. @Luke's guide was deliberately kept simple so as to encourage newbies to take the first steps and see some measure of success. But in keeping it simple, a couple of important issues were not dealt with. First, the need to use your own tracking URL instead of relying on BeMob's default. If you haven't done so already, you should purchase a domain to use as a tracking URL; I recommend Namecheap. Second, if you haven't already done so, you need to consider using landing pages (LPs or landers) instead of directly linking to offers. Sometimes you can direct-link with moderate success, but eventually you will need to use LPs (and when you do, you will need to host them somewhere); Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a good place to start. Of the two issues, it is important to concentrate on getting your own tracking URL set up.
  3. Another thing to consider is whether you're going to stick with the PopAds-BeMob-Mobipium setup, that you've become familiar with as a result of following Luke's guide, or do something different. I suggest maybe looking at Mobipium's other smartlinks or offers in the Market section as a way forward, that way you will only have the new smartlink/offer to worry about. Trying to change everything in one go will be confusing. The best way to get advice on which smartlinks/offers to try is by having a word with your Account Manager (AM) on Skype or via email.
I hope the above helps in some small way.
@Apollo thanks for the advice. apparently there are so many things to learn.
First I will learn how to create a landing page, purchase a domain to use as a tracking URL and learn how to host domain in Amazon S3.

aaahhhh... there are so many things I have to learn...😆😆
i guy i have tested the method the fisrt 5 dolar got me -80%
and the second got me 20 % gain
the third day i have not change any think i got lose -40%
i found the problem the epc drop alot i dont know why i have to speak with my manager
@Apollo thanks for the advice. apparently there are so many things to learn.
First I will learn how to create a landing page, purchase a domain to use as a tracking URL and learn how to host domain in Amazon S3.

aaahhhh... there are so many things I have to learn...😆😆
Hi @adicom, you're very welcome.

It's not easy making money with affiliate marketing, but when you get it right the rewards can be very satisfying! 🤑

One of the things you have to grasp quickly is that you don't/shouldn't do everything yourself. For example, you don't have to spend hours learning how to code landing pages when you can buy some very cheaply from, say, PureLander - see the Promos codes page and scroll down to Landing Page Builder Promo Codes.
i speak with my manager about the drop he sai the trafic source is the problem popads
When you create a campaign, you can improve the quality of the traffic you get by:
1) Changing the Quality setting from its default setting of “All websites” to exclude the lower quality sites. However, this comes at a price - less traffic and more expensive.
2) Changing the Adblock setting from its default setting of “All traffic” to “Non-Adblock only”. Again, this will reduce the amount of traffic you get.

Apparently, you can also improve the loading speed of your landing page (or offer page, if direct linking) by checking the “Enable landing page prefetching” box. Read the Prefetching article in the knowledge base first to determine whether this is right for you. I personally have never done this, but it’s logical that if a page loads slowly there’s a chance the user will close the popup before they have even seen the ad.
here's my final result of this step by step beginners guide
Awesome 🚀

now, I want to try another offer, but I am still confused, what offer that is roughly easy for beginners.
I recommend taking a look through the offers on Monetizer to test. I run them a lot and they're pretty newbie friendly :)

i speak with my manager about the drop he sai the trafic source is the problem popads
We have a ton of people using PopAds with MOBIPIUM. Go back through the course in the parts about analyzing and optimizing your results. PopAds isn't the reason you aren't profitable :)

BUT, it would be fine to look into other traffic sources to test. I just recommend getting this one profitable first 👍
We have a ton of people using PopAds with MOBIPIUM. Go back through the course in the parts about analyzing and optimizing your results. PopAds isn't the reason you aren't profitable :)

BUT, it would be fine to look into other traffic sources to test. I just recommend getting this one profitable first 👍

i used popads and also popcash the compaign started fine with about 0.05$ to 0.09$ per conversion for some country then dropped to 0.01$ per conversion for same source so where is the problem here and how to solve this issue
PopAds isn't the reason you aren't profitable :)

Not too sure about that.

@mystario, what countries are you targeting?

When I went through this using PopAds, my optimisation led me to focus on S Korea. However, as I started to get rid of the dead wood I discovered this.

The above is only for a couple of days. Looking back at earlier days, the cost of Whale Mobile was significant and loss making. And I can't eliminate it because this campaign has been set up for the Chrome browser only since day one:(

I've contacted PopAds about it. They said they'd look into it, but that was weeks ago. It's gone remarkably quiet.
@Millie, although my numbers were not as bad as yours in terms of Whale Mobile, I had them on my report, as well. Like you, in your previous post, I couldn't find them in the list to remove them.
i used popads and also popcash the compaign started fine with about 0.05$ to 0.09$ per conversion for some country then dropped to 0.01$ per conversion for same source so where is the problem here and how to solve this issue
You should talk to your AM at MOBIPIUM about this.

I've contacted PopAds about it. They said they'd look into it, but that was weeks ago. It's gone remarkably quiet.
Have you run any traffic recently to see if you are still getting traffic from the browser?

Just gonna leave this here for some inspiration for others. Campaign is still running but its late and i need my beauty sleep :)
There is still a bit of room for optimization but we will see what we have in the morning when i wake up.

Quick question @Luke how does one scale from here?