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Step 12 - Optimized Results

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hi @Luke exc me.
When you optimize the campaign, do you modify it from Bemob or from PopAds?
Also proceed with editing or creating a new campaign with positive data?
When you optimize the campaign, do you modify it from Bemob or from PopAds?
Why not use both? Make sure the data in BeMob is accurate. For PopAds, I would use BeMob data for most of my optimization since it's usually pretty accurate and PopAds reports are kind of annoying.

Also proceed with editing or creating a new campaign with positive data?
Up to you. I will usually just edit the main campaign since campaign approval on PopAds is a bit of a pain.
@Luke I can't seem to find the option for the Drilldown report. Has this changed for BeMop?
Can you post a screenshot of where you're looking for it? If you have your campaign selected, you should have the group by (drilldown) options.