Traffic Nomads Ad Network
Traffic Nomads Ad Network

Step 10 - Analyzing Your PopAds Campaigns using BeMob

I've paused my campaign because I've discovered that one particular browser is costing me a fortune (relatively speaking) and I don't know how to exclude it from the campaign.

I'm not sure why it's included because my browser option is set for Chrome only. Whale mobile is not appearing in the choices list or the available choices list!

I've looked through the other targeting options but I can't find Whale Mobile anywhere. I've contacted PopAds and asked them to point me to the right place, but their reply was "Be sure to check through all tabs".

I still can't find it :(

Does anyone know how I can exclude this? @Luke, any idea?

Re my post above, I've had another email from PopAds saying they're looking at it and to allow some time. I'd like to get going again so can anyone recommend another traffic source I can use for this campaign? Thanks.
Re my post above, I've had another email from PopAds saying they're looking at it and to allow some time. I'd like to get going again so can anyone recommend another traffic source I can use for this campaign? Thanks.
That seems odd. Did you try searching "Whale" on the right under Your choices to make sure it didn't somehow get added accidentally?

I'd like to get going again so can anyone recommend another traffic source I can use for this campaign?
I've heard members saying this campaign is also converting well on PropellerAds and PopCash :)
Hi @Luke I did run my campaign and this is what it looks like on bemob: Should I just keep all of the 8 countries since they all made a conversion?
That seems odd. Did you try searching "Whale" on the right under Your choices to make sure it didn't somehow get added accidentally?

I've tried searching for "Whale" @Luke but it's not there. I've also searched in all the other categories on the off chance it's there but no joy. I've received another email from PopAds but I don’t really understand what they’re saying. They say “Please be advised that we only display browsers that meet certain a volume of impressions, so it would therefore appear that we have limited available inventory for the given targeting.
Hope it's clear.”

It isn’t! All I want is to know why I’m being sent, and charged for, traffic I haven’t requested and, more importantly, how I can stop it. I don’t think this answer addresses that. I’ve gone back to them so I’ll wait and see what they say next.

I've heard members saying this campaign is also converting well on PropellerAds and PopCash :)

I’ve opened an account with PropellerAds. Is there a guide which explains how to set things up? I’ve looked but I couldn’t find one.

I’ve tried to follow how we set up the PopAds account. Can you fill in the missing bits and correct anything I’ve got wrong (Sorry it’s so long).

Campaign Name: Global - PropellerAds - WW_Mobile_Android_Chrome

Advertising Format: OnClick (Popunder)

Pricing Model: CPM

Target URL: Is this the URL in the General Information section of my PopAds campaign, i.e. the one? If so, do I just copy it from PopAds into PropellerAds or do I need to do anything with the tags? Do I remove the PopAds tags and click on those in PropellerAds? If so, which ones do I add?

Frequency / Capping: 1 time per 24 hours

Traffic Options: The only option I have is “All”, but it has a tick against both “Include Broker Traffic” and “Allow Anti Adblock Traffic”. Their “Launch your first ad campaign” video suggest initially removing the tick from the Broker field. Would you agree? The anti adblock field is not in the video. Do I leave or remove the tick?

User Activity (this setting cannot be changed after the campaign becomes active): Options are High, Medium & Low. Their video suggest high, what would you suggest? I can’t change it so clearly I don’t want to get it wrong.

Countries: I’ve gone with WW, but hope to narrow it down quite quickly. Presumably I don’t start where I left off with PopAds as this is a different traffic source. Or do I? Their video suggests you start narrow and set up multiple campaigns for different countries. Isn’t this contrary to what we were doing?

Bid: This seems to be more expensive than PopAds. Can you suggest a starting bid? How do I determine what to bid? There doesn’t appear to be any automatic optimisation.

Daily Budget: $10 (This is the minimum).

Campaign Budget: When I put a number in here will I be able to change it during the campaign? I’ve received a warning saying “Please note, that budgets below $30 might be exceeded.” Does this mean that a limit of, say, $15 might end up paying $18, or could any limit below $30 be pushed up to $30? (I think it’s likely to be irrelevant as I can’t see a campaign costing less than $30, but I’d still like to know how it works).

Platform: Mobile

OS: Android

OS Version: I want all versions. Is there a quick way to select everything from the list? If I leave the field blank is that the default for all?

Device: This won’t let me do anything. It’s greyed out. Is that correct?

Browser & Browser Language: Presumably I start with all versions. Is there a quick way to select everything from the list? If I leave the field blank is that the default for all?

Connection type: Options are All, 3G/LTE or Wifi/Broadband. Which should I select?

Mobile ISP: This won’t let me do anything. It’s greyed out. Is that correct?

Audience: Not applicable at the moment.

Timezone: UTC (The same as the current campaign with PopAds). The default was UTC-5 and the video says push notifications (which I think is what I’m doing) are only sent between 8am – 10pm. Are these time limits for all push notifications regardless of ad network, or is this just for PropellerAds? If I want to send traffic at 9am, can I select 9am and the system will start at 9am UTC time, or do I have to adjust the 9am to reflect the fact that I’m working in UTC and not the default of UTC-5? If so, how do I do that? (I hope that question made sense!).

Set Display Period By EST: This has a checkbox. Do I tick it? What does it mean?

Ad delivery method: Standard or Distributed? Presumably standard to keep it on a like for like footing with my existing campaign.

Finally I can select Start Campaign or Save As Draft for what I want to happen upon approval.

Additionally, this is the Postback URL in BeMob,{externalId}&payout={payout}

How do I update this?

Presumably I don’t have to do anything with Mobipium. Or do I?

Is their anything else I have to do?

I’ve opened an account with PropellerAds. Is there a guide which explains how to set things up? I’ve looked but I couldn’t find one.

Hi Millie

I'm a beginner, but I just ran this guide with PropellerAds. I can give you some information here from my experiences.

  • Offer: Go only with the Smartlink PN All Landings (No Loop). PropellerAds don't allow multiple subscription requests. With this offer, you should get approved.
  • Add PropellerAds traffic source to Bemob (like you did with PopAds). There is a template in Bemob for that. And there are help articles on the websites of PropellerAds and Bemob how you have to do it and how to set postback.
  • Target URL: use the campaign URL from Bemob. I recommend adding a separate campaign for PropellerAds traffic source.
  • Traffic Options: I have set it to all with all checkboxes active.
  • Bid: I used the suggested bid. When you click in the field, it shows you the suggested bid.
  • Plattform, OS, Browser: As Luke says in this guide, use Mobile, Android, Google Chrome
  • Timezone & Delivery: I left it as it is. You are targeting WW and delivery standard (=immediately), so no need to change something here at the moment.
I hope that helps! Good luck!
Target URL: Is this the URL in the General Information section of my PopAds campaign, i.e. the one? If so, do I just copy it from PopAds into PropellerAds or do I need to do anything with the tags? Do I remove the PopAds tags and click on those in PropellerAds? If so, which ones do I add?
You'll want to setup PropellerAds as a Traffic Source in your BeMob account and then create a new Campaign URL by setting up a new Campaign in BeMob with the offers + PropellerAds as your traffic source.

OS Version: I want all versions. Is there a quick way to select everything from the list? If I leave the field blank is that the default for all?
Defaults all.

Browser & Browser Language: Presumably I start with all versions. Is there a quick way to select everything from the list? If I leave the field blank is that the default for all?
Select Google Chrome as the browser but leave all versions.

Leave everything else as default.

Presumably I don’t have to do anything with Mobipium. Or do I?
You do not need to do anything on MOBIPIUM.

So, you may have already setup PropellerAds as a traffic source?

Please create a new thread about this if you need further help. This is not specifically about PopAds or this guide anymore and I don't want to confuse people doing the course/guide.
Hi @Luke I did campaign yesterday and today is not active due $5 budget. This is the result

and BeMob

What's wrong with my BeMob setting ?

Thank you in advance
Hey @rubenz09 ,

Nice to meet you!

As Luke said, it seems like the integration is not correct.
You can follow those steps, or contact your Account Manager at MOBIPIUM.


MOBIPIUM Affiliates Team.
Hi @rubenz09,

As mentioned it is related to the integration.
We recommend you to contact your Account Manager directly, as they have access to your configuration.


MOBIPIUM Affiliates Team.
@Luke @MOBIPIUM Found my error :
View attachment 7232

How to fix this ?

Thank you in advance
It appears you did not use the MOBIPIUM template as I said here:

Because the clickid and payout would automatically be added to your postback when you copy and paste it into MOBIPIUM:

You can go back and fix these 👍
Wo - this is a lot to take in.

Including comments - which b.t.w are uesfull...

Anyway heres my results:

Hence after going through everything i'm planning to go with - Poland, Ecuador & Mexico.
Second opinion required - unsure about - Argentina, Egypt, Philippines and Brazil

Also from looking at ads i'm going to run push ad 1,2,4 & 5 as push ad 3 didnt get any conversions - 100% loss. 1576006474482.png1576006498349.png
Hence after going through everything i'm planning to go with - Poland, Ecuador & Mexico.
These definitely look like good countries to test.

Second opinion required - unsure about - Argentina, Egypt, Philippines and Brazil
I would just try the 3 that are green, but Argentina and Egypt both look like they have potential 👍
I followed all the steps, pretty easy btw. but... zero conversions. :( on BeMob, but compare with Mobipium Dash and I got 24? Is the trackback not working? Should I keep going ?
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