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Sports Betting / Casino brand traffic

Galaksion Contest


Super Contributor
Sep 8, 2018
Hello AffLIFTers,

I have a brand new campaign (client) in hand for a country in Latin America.

Vertical: Sports Betting / Casino

At the moment we are only doing FacebookAds, with good results, for a start. Our customer wanted to start with FB first.
I am planning a new strategy and we plan to send a lot more traffic from other traffic sources. I've been thinking about what could help get a good volume of leads and deposits (FTD).

I'm thinking of using Pop Unders, Web Push ads, Interstitials with some prelanders, in order to filter the traffic and get better lead quality.
As prelanders, we thought to use some of Spin Wheels landers and also 2 different Advertorials.

I saw some very interesting strategies here on the forum, such as capturing leads for email marketing that for sure will work very well. We will consider using this too, as one of our strategies.

Celebrities / Gossip
Erotic / Sexy
File Hosting
Music / Movies
Online Communities
Tech / Business News

I was wondering if you have any extra suggestions of what other strategies might work.
What other traffic sources might this
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