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Propellerads user activity



Feb 12, 2023
I can't seem to understand the different activity levels for propeller push traffic. In the images below for the geo I chosen the highest amount of clicks is the high activity level and the lowest amount of clicks is the low activity level. If we bid on CPC and want to get the most traffic it seems that bidding on high activity would be the best since it would bring the highest CTR and highest amount of clicks volume.

However if we want to scale and bid on low activity CTR would be lower and also there is lesser click volume available. Bid prices also seems to be in a similar range for medium and lower activity levels. So how do we scale on low activity if we have a lower CTR and also the same bid price? Wouldn't we end up paying a same bid price as high activity but end up having users that have lower CTR and also having a lesser volume?

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