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Follow Along PropellerAds + Maxbounty + AdsBridge [push notification]


Sep 24, 2018
Hello everyone,
i've decided to start writing this thread, since I've finished setting up the landing page and the Adsbridge settings and i'm currently waiting for some offer approvals from Maxbounty.
Some infos about the campaign:
  • Traffic source: PropellerAds
  • Ads type: Push Notification
  • Budget: $10/20 First (initial testing phase)
  • Network: Maxbounty
  • Offer: Multiple-lead gen
  • payout: $2.00 to $30.00 (total)
  • Tracker:AdsBridge

P.s. Since i'm new on MaxBounty i would like to ask you guys how much does it takes to get an offer approved? - i've asked to my affiliate manager but it's more than 1 work day and he doesn't seems to answer me at all ( coming from AdCombo - it's kinda "a lot" of time to get in touch with the affiliate manager) it was my own fault because i didn't know that it was a long weekend in Canada.
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P.s. Since i'm new on MaxBounty i would like to ask you guys how much does it takes to get an offer approved? - i've asked to my affiliate manager but it's more than 1 work day and he doesn't seems to answer me at all ( coming from AdCombo - it's kinda "a lot" of time to get in touch with the affiliate manager)

Are you contacting them via Skype? My aff. manager replies me within few hours to be honest.
any updates on this @lelitob ?.
I had some miscommunication with my AM and i had to change 3 offers, so i've been searching the 3 new offers to add and the info about them. Changed my LP. Then i've hosted it and linked it to Adsbridge. Overall not a big deal, but it took me sometime, plus some IRL problems with internet connection.

Are you contacting them via Skype? My aff. manager replies me within few hours to be honest.
Thanks for the answer, it was my own fault because i didn't know that it was a long weekend in Canada.
Note: I will try to write the things i think while working on the campaign - take all of this with a grain of salt and if you have some constructive critics, they're welcome as water in the desert.

I've started the campaign yesterday, but for some mistake i've stopped it multiple time so i will take this date as a starting point 12/10/2018, the campaign setup for now is:

2 creatives for now:
1. I use the same logo i used on the LP. I will probably test in the next days other variations. P.S. At the start I've done a stupid error and used a jpg file for the logo, i should have sent a png since the logo is a circle in a trasparent square- fixed it;

2. for the title, i used the same title in both creatives for now, Tomorrow or later i will add some twist to see how it affect the ctr/conversion rate. The title is a catch phrase that describe the LP and the offer. Similar to the LP title;

3. here i've used only the Lp URL of my own, i think it gives a professional look. I could test out other subtitles after the first tweeks.
4. I've done two creatives so far, they're not bad - but not great as i wanted and way too similar. So i'm working on making a different creative right now, trying to hitting another angle and i will try to make the one with better ctr at the moment a little better.

I've fixed some small error here and there in the first few hour of the campaign, so far 0 conversion but i've spent only 3.50 i$h and the first 1-2 day it was to taste the water of Push notification.

So far the CTR is 1.1% for the first design and 0.9% for the second, on Average from what i've read. With the last fixes it could go up.

The next move is to wait for some data (i'm looking for geo IDs and time), while waiting as i said i will make some more creatives and make some changes to the LP to make the expirience a little more fast and catchy for the user.
I'm excited to see your results. Looking forward to hearing how your CTR changes with improvements and more spend. Also would definitely be interested in your average actual CPC based on clicks through your landing page :)
I'm excited to see your results. Looking forward to hearing how your CTR changes with improvements and more spend. Also would definitely be interested in your average actual CPC based on clicks through your landing page :)
Aw... i forgot about that part haha

By the way, the user activity i've selected the Medium for initial testing and 0.05 CPC as bid ( it's the minimum), and maybe i've made a mistake.

let me explain the mistake.
For medium the stats on bid are:
-min: 0.05$
-recommended: 0.082$

-max: 0.11$

For High the stats are lower, this was unexpected thing, but it's still a bad mistake by me, because i didn't even check. High Stats:
-min: 0.05
-recomended: 0.064$

For test purpose i will make the medium campaigns run until tomorrow, then i will choose the best performing creative and use the one i've made today, to create 2 "high" campaigns
Update - No conversion so far:
Yesterday i've made the new high profile campaigns, as said before one with the best performing ctr of the previous 2, and the second one i've created. I've changed the title and added A SINGLE EMOJI, changed the subtitle ( from the site url to a catch phrase) to the already tested design and i was a BIG mistake. The ctr dropped from 1.1% to 0.2%. Fixed it to the original state and the ctr is raising (0.7% as i'm writing).
The new design is going well, it has a solid 1.3% ctr right now, with some good spikes at 7.6%-2.5% ctr with decent volume and some bad spots with 0.6%. The data is low so i will wait till tomorrow night to exlude some zoneID.

It would be not a marketer day without some problems.
So today i went to study some data on Adsbridge and i didn't really like what i found.
First of all i've paid 139 clicks on PropellerAds and i had 454 unique visits, "Man i check the landing page once in a while, but not that much!" .
What bugs me is that:
  • most of the clicks are from South American and Asia ( mostly India) and the campaign is set to US only;
  • at the moment I'm running this campaign with only 1 Traffic Source;
  • last but not least: all the visits have the PropellerAds tokens on them. When i check my LP Adsbridge tracks me aswell (because i linked the page with their system), but it would not show the tokens from propellerads because i didn't come into the site from they're traffic source, but with a direct link. Right? Here a screenshot to show you what i mean.

{zoneid} is the token1 i've setted for propellerads, when it has no value ( in this case when the traffic doesn't come from propellerads it show the base token), but as you can see there are some not US cities that has the value on them and that's a bit fishy.

Obviously before posting this here, i've checked with the PropellerAds ( prop they're always fast to answer and they're gentle) , the support asked me for the csv report and i gave it to them. The only speculation the support made was that "my tracker interpets our US traffic with other GEOs as well " , but i doubt this as well because Adsbridge keep track of ISP and i know a lot of US don't like comecast but i doubt that reliance jio infocomm limited and claro brazil would be options avaible there. The support has forwarded the case to a responsible person or so that's what i've been told. I will keep you guys updated

So sorry for the semi-rant and remember ALWAYS CHECK THE DATA.
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Yeah, that doesn’t make a lot of sense. The clicks absolutely should be coming from the US and if there are international users getting on their US lists because they pay more for them, then hopefully @PropellerAds can sort that out and make the proper fixes. I’m sure your CSV will help them with that.
Update - No conversion so far:
Yesterday i've made the new high profile campaigns, as said before one with the best performing ctr of the previous 2, and the second one i've created. I've changed the title and added A SINGLE EMOJI, changed the subtitle ( from the site url to a catch phrase) to the already tested design and i was a BIG mistake. The ctr dropped from 1.1% to 0.2%. Fixed it to the original state and the ctr is raising (0.7% as i'm writing).
The new design is going well, it has a solid 1.3% ctr right now, with some good spikes at 7.6%-2.5% ctr with decent volume and some bad spots with 0.6%. The data is low so i will wait till tomorrow night to exlude some zoneID.

It would be not a marketer day without some problems.
So today i went to study some data on Adsbridge and i didn't really like what i found.
First of all i've paid 139 clicks on PropellerAds and i had 454 unique visits, "Man i check the landing page once in a while, but not that much!" .
What bugs me is that:
  • most of the clicks are from South American and Asia ( mostly India) and the campaign is set to US only;
  • at the moment I'm running this campaign with only 1 Traffic Source;
  • last but not least: all the visits have the PropellerAds tokens on them. When i check my LP Adsbridge tracks me aswell (because i linked the page with their system), but it would not show the tokens from propellerads because i didn't come into the site from they're traffic source, but with a direct link. Right? Here a screenshot to show you what i mean.

    View attachment 1011
{zoneid} is the token1 i've setted for propellerads, when it has no value ( in this case when the traffic doesn't come from propellerads it show the base token), but as you can see there are some not US cities that has the value on them and that's a bit fishy.

Obviously before posting this here, i've checked with the PropellerAds ( prop they're always fast to answer and they're gentle) , the support asked me for the csv report and i gave it to them. The only speculation the support made was that "my tracker interpets our US traffic with other GEOs as well " , but i doubt this as well because Adsbridge keep track of ISP and i know a lot of US don't like comecast but i doubt that reliance jio infocomm limited and claro brazil would be options avaible there. The support has forwarded the case to a responsible person or so that's what i've been told. I will keep you guys updated

So sorry for the semi-rant and remember ALWAYS CHECK THE DATA.

Hello! We'd recommend you to have a talk with our support team asap and as I see you've already done that. Let's wait for an answer from our tech team.
Yeah, that doesn’t make a lot of sense. The clicks absolutely should be coming from the US and if there are international users getting on their US lists because they pay more for them, then hopefully @PropellerAds can sort that out and make the proper fixes. I’m sure your CSV will help them with that.
Just to be clear, it seems that i'm not paying for that traffic. On the report from Adsbridge i have 118 clicks from U.S. and that's approximately what i've paid for. The problem is that i'm receiving 3 times the clicks from other countries as well ( till now it seems i don't pay them).

Hello! We'd recommend you to have a talk with our support team asap and as I see you've already done that. Let's wait for an answer from our tech team.
I will wait, i didn't even stop the campaign. But as a follow along i'm writing everything that happen with my point of view and my personal thoughts
, if it will be discovered that is my own error that gives those external ips i will write it too, as i already explained some stupid error of mine.
The {zoneid] could be just their system checking your link, you sometimes get this with other paid traffic sources. I've never had a problem with alot of clicks from other counties though so there is something very wrong there.

I've been running push ads on Propeller and CTR is everything, if your CTR isn't very good the amount of traffic you get will drop as they favor other advertisers.

You are very limited to the amount of text you can add so an image with text and a call to action can make a huge difference.

Don't mix countries and devices, run one campaign for each, for instance one campaign for Mobile - USA and one for Desktop - USA.
The {zoneid] could be just their system checking your link, you sometimes get this with other paid traffic sources. I've never had a problem with alot of clicks from other counties though so there is something very wrong there.

I've been running push ads on Propeller and CTR is everything, if your CTR isn't very good the amount of traffic you get will drop as they favor other advertisers.

You are very limited to the amount of text you can add so an image with text and a call to action can make a huge difference.

Don't mix countries and devices, run one campaign for each, for instance one campaign for Mobile - USA and one for Desktop - USA.

The campaign is set to:
-Us only;
-Android Phone only.
-2 campaigns running, same targetting different creatives

As you said since they give you limited amount of text, so i used the subtitle for my url domain to give some professional appearance ( i don't know how to call it, but it seems to work) and the 2 designs are more descriptive as you said with call to action.

I would not mind if there was some foreign clicks but they're 3 times the overall US clicks and they have different countries, different isp ec... they click the offers too and since i don't have any conversion, i should analize the ctr to the offers and now i have to double-check if the clicks are from us or not.

The ctr is raising right now, the campaign that yesterday had 0.2% is now 1.08% after the fixes. I still have to exclude bad ctr zones, but i will do this tonight since i would like more data.

I've read that average ctr is 1% but it could go up to 10% in some cases, what is your expirience @topspot?
Yeah some zones have really high CTR's. Campaigns seem to tank quickly if your campaign CTR gets below 1%, you can easily see which zones are giving you alot of impressions in Propeller reporting and simply select the ones you want to exclude.
Yeah i saw that, it's a neat option. After optimization i think i could increase 1-2 % ctr, hoping for some conversion too haha.
While the ctr are slowly growing ( 1.7% and 1.9%) i would like to give you some update and ask if i'm crazy or whatever.
PropellerAds support told me and i quote:
"Also we got the info about your previous request. We analysed the data, and sa that you got 112 clicks from us (4 clicks were from different countries, but that's possible for nativeads - users could get the push in one country but opened just when moved to another one). In your file there are 290 clickes, but that's not just our data. Our clicks are from US "
I can get that times to times some push ad mislead to India but mh... let me show you some fresh screenshot:

This as you may know it's Propellerads dashboard, all the campaigns i ever started - all for one landing page/offer and all with US geo-target only.
P.s. The domain and the host are fresh new, bought and built for this follow along.
Now let's see the Adsbridge Traffic source Tokens that will help you understand my concern.

As you can see the Token2 it's the campaign ID. Here some screenshot of the clicks i had


As you can see all the non US clicks have the token2 of one of the campaigns i'm running for this follow along. I already wrote back to PropellerAds support waiting for the reply.
So what you guys think i should do?

EDIT: As i said their support is fast:

As we have said above, we have analyzed your case and logs file and confirm that we have delivered 112 clicks which are all from USA. We can't provide you with sources from which you have received other clicks and we can't be responsible for them. We send you traffic according to the targeting and charge only for it accordingly."

ME: ok, i know that i'm charged only for the US clicks, but you understand that all this have your campaignID token and it's a bit strange, right?

Support: Sir, our technical department have checked the issue. We have delivered 112 click only.


I will not ask more, because i know i will get always the same answer, so for the follow along.

For the campaign, if tomorrow i will not get any lead i will change traffic source and probably go for search engine, like Bing.
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How can they say the traffic isn't coming from them when you can see the zoneid's it's coming from? That's very odd.

Are they charging you for the non-US clicks?

Maybe just block those zones if they're only sending you junk traffic.
no i'm not charged for those clicks, but all this makes me very concern about the campaign.
The Lp has 10 offer in it, it's a well structured blog article, it could be a little text-heavy, but nothing too hard - even for my AM it was a neat page. All the offers are performing well on the network and they're mail leads/doi . The creatives are not ambiguous that may give some false mislead to a viewer.

So far i had 268 clicks on the ads and 5 single click on 1 offer and not a single lead.

I'm not giving to propellerads any of the fault for this results, i'm just saying all this story bugged me.

Maybe i choose the wrong way to advertise

Maybe the LP was too long

who knows?

Right now i'm working on get some text out from the landing page and get it easier to digest for the viewer.

I could exclude the zones, but it's not that - all the story made me doubtful of this kind of traffic source and that's what bugs me and i'm a bit sad because i was really excited to test this out.

Edit: annnnnnnnnd i had the first lead
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You've only spent $20 so it's way too early to judge if your campaign is a dud or not.

Sometimes giving people too many choices on a lander can dilute your results, maybe try picking just one offer or sending to your own squeeze page first before sending to your lander.

The fact you've had one lead is a good sign, maybe that's an offer to focus on first?
You've only spent $20 so it's way too early to judge if your campaign is a dud or not.

Sometimes giving people too many choices on a lander can dilute your results, maybe try picking just one offer or sending to your own squeeze page first before sending to your lander.

The fact you've had one lead is a good sign, maybe that's an offer to focus on first?
The Lp is a blog article and the offers are kinda linked one to another, it's not like "here 10 incredible sweepstakes, enjoy".
The concept behind this LP was to get more offer leads in one session, but i think it's harder on phones, so i will try this on PC too, i will implement a bing campaign to it.

By the way so far here some stats:
Impressions: 26911
official clicks: 299
unique visits (
aka unofficial click): 615
cost: 24.42;
conversion:1 (0,60$)

@topspot i have 10 $ daily budget on both campaigns but they don't get near to spend all the budget( the bid is in the recommended zone), should i raise the bid?