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Propeller CPA2.0


Super Contributor
Oct 5, 2019
Hey All,
I have been posting about this for a while and want to try and do a bit of market research about the issue. Propeller CPA2.0. Last year I spent a lot of money on it across a lot of offers and was never able to get it profitable. The only model that I am able to profit with them on is Smart CPA and when I have a great whitelist Smart CPM. otherwise CPA2.0 does not work. I run mainly mobile content offers, pin subs, 1 click etc... relatively low payouts i.e sub 2$ Overall I am spending 10-15K per month with them, and it is driving me nuts!

What do other people find here, is it working for you?
What type of offers do you run that work with it?
What do you think I am doing wrong to make it not work?

I am also not talking profitable i.e. you took 5$ and it is now at 5.01. Talking campaigns with at least 10-15+$ per day
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