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Official Affiliate World Europe Barcelona (AWE 2022)



Staff Member
Community Leader
Apr 17, 2018
Affiliate World Europe (AWE) is being held in in Barcelona on July 6-7th. I know many companies from the forum are planning to attend as well as many of the members so thought I would create an official thread where everyone who is going can discuss it and meet up!

📆 6-7 July 2022
🌐 Barcelona, Spain

A few companies I've already gotten emails from that are attending:

- Perform[cb] (@Perform[cb])
- AdBullion (@AdrianFlorea)
- AdsEmpire (@AdsEmpire)
- Pushground (@Pushground)
- Mobidea (@Mobidea)
- ActiveRevenue (@ActiveRevenue)
- ConvertingTeam (@ConvertingTeam)
- Golden Goose (@MrGoose)

I recommend checking out this awesome blog post on how to survive in Barcelona by @Pushground!

I won't be attending but I hope you all have fun and generate a ton of business! 🚀

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