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Follow Along Let's test Adsterra CPA network, small comeback after few months

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Super Contributor
Jan 26, 2022
🎯 Traffic Source: PropellerAds
🔧 Tracking Tool: Bemob
✅ Affiliate Network: Adsterra
👍 Type of Offer: CPA
💰 Offer Payout: $0.05~$0.01
🏆 I believe this campaign will be successful because: I have a little experience with PropellerAds
🔍 I am unsure about: How this offer will perform as I'm only direct linking for now.

I took a break from media buying for a few months, but this contest motivated me to use the funds I still had in my PropellerAds account. Therefore, I'm giving the Adsterra CPA network a try.

I have already initiated a few campaigns with offers recommended by my Affiliate manager. However, BeMob is displaying inaccurate statistics, so I'm presenting them from PropellerAds. Please note that one or two conversions may be missing due to my initial incorrect setup of the postback during the first attempt.


Two campaings with 0 traffic are in draft mode so ignore them. I will keep running two campaings with conversions and see if I will be able to optimise them later
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