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Follow Along Chris' Follow Along with AFFLift's Guides



Feb 14, 2024
Hey, what's up everyone, I thought that starting a follow along would be the best way to introduce myself!
I've been reading a lot and It's great to see others learning the ropes till having stable campaigns in the green!

Plus is perfect to keep me accountable and have a discussion with all of those who'd love to chime in!
Anyway, this is my first follow along, don't really have a name for it, but I'm just following the Beginner's Guide 2.0.

ℹ️ Traffic Source: PopAds
🔧 Tracking Tool: FunnelFlux
✅ Affiliate Network: Zeydoo
👍 Type of Offer: Smartlink
💰 Offer Payout: < 1$

🎯 Current Goal: Learning how to setup everything, decided which tech stack I feel confident to use and learn how to ready/apply data I see in the tracker/traffic source. Turning reds into greens would be great, but I'll be happy to get a solid understanding of everything. MAKE 1$ dollar a day? why not.

🏆 I believe it will be successful because: In the last year I created the life conditions to keep working without rushing anything and the little disposable income I can dedicate to it. I'm not sure THIS will be the campaign that will turn green, but extracting profitable segments will be
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