Today,I got a email from Luke:
Acutally,after I know Adsterra launch they own Network,I sign up them with a new email (can not be same with the adverster account email).
I checked all offers post in this contest,and applied all of them,while only one offers was get approved.
Main verticals:
Adult games
Restrictions: incent, email, bot traffic, inapp, iframe, motive
Link with preland
Creatives Allowed: Yes, any
To all new partners initial test limit is 25 conversions. After quality check limits can be exceeded.
after carefully read this offers,I do not how to do? for different verticals in one should I prepare creative?
and I checked all other follow alongs,and find no one choose this offers to run,and all follow along are any others run offers here?
anyway,let me treat this smartlink with Sweepstakes,and prepare everthing in this vertical
Traffic Source: Propellerads
Tracking Tool: Cpvlab Pro
Affiliate Network: Adsterra
Type of Offer: Smartlink
Offer Payout: Various
I believe this campaign will be successful because: just test test test!
I am unsure
There's still time to participate Tarling X2
so,I wirte this follow alongAcutally,after I know Adsterra launch they own Network,I sign up them with a new email (can not be same with the adverster account email).
I checked all offers post in this contest,and applied all of them,while only one offers was get approved.
Exclusive Smartlink WW
Conversion flow: easy flow: SOI, InstallMain verticals:
Adult games
Restrictions: incent, email, bot traffic, inapp, iframe, motive
Link with preland
Creatives Allowed: Yes, any
To all new partners initial test limit is 25 conversions. After quality check limits can be exceeded.
after carefully read this offers,I do not how to do? for different verticals in one should I prepare creative?
and I checked all other follow alongs,and find no one choose this offers to run,and all follow along are any others run offers here?
anyway,let me treat this smartlink with Sweepstakes,and prepare everthing in this vertical