1st Month on Afflift - My Journey & Thoughts of Media Buying



Jul 3, 2021

Hi there everyone, I'm Jason.

It all started when I was 23 years old. The following day I had to go for a major heart operation. For the first time in my life, I broke down and cried. I had lived a very unfulfilling life. It was filled with regrets in every aspect of my life. I told myself, I would never do the 9-5 life because in my country, you don't actually work 9-5, you wake up, get ready at 7am and only reach home at around 8 or 9pm. I did not want to be a slave to the system and die a slave!

For me the making money online dream started when I found out that myanimelist.com which any anime fan would know of, was according to WorthOfWeb worth $200+ million dollars in traffic. It's probably worth much more than that today.

I then enrolled in a web development bootcamp to try and learn how to build a web app. There, I met a guy who told me about a forum that taught him black hat methods to make money etc. Over the years there have been countless of methods I have tried. Each
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