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Voluum Problems - For You too?



Grand Guru
Jan 13, 2019
Hey everyone,

Just thought I'd make a post and maybe bring some stuff to Voluum's attention, I reported some to support before and they were working on the "country" view which for me was awful, and it still is.

Lately for me it's extremely laggy, it's 100% not my end. Plus a few others have confirmed this too.

The UI on more and more pages is not even matching the theme/colour scheme.

It's a little thing, but it's annoying. Why are these improvements/changes or fixes being done on the live product? If some stats are red, it's so vague and hard to see!
What's going on @Voluum how long are these things gonna look like this, because more and more pages (country, device, OS) views are starting to take this theme on which I dislike.

Is there problems with servers or something lately as to why the UI is just soooo slow?
Anyone else have these issues? The more people that say it, lets them know it's not just one whining customer lol.
Little things like this wouldn't usually bother me, but now the laggy UI does make it bother me and lead me
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