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Guide The ultimate free lander hosting stack (+automated tracking)



Super Contributor
Mar 5, 2020
This is a big guide, prep your coffee ☕

I wrote this for our FunnelFlux Pro customers, you can see the original here (it may be more readable there).

My goal was to give people a cost-effective and streamlined setup for running a lot of landers and automating their FunnelFlux tracking. But, you could use this setup for anything and any tracker.

It may seem complex but its actually quite easy to set up even for newbies, and I have tried to make it comprehensive to the point an absolute beginner could still get it live and working quite quickly.

Anyway, dumping my guide below!

Chances are you are in need of landing page hosting.

If you need something simple and visual to get started, check out Landerlab. If you are looking for something free or more technical (i.e. getting into the code), read on.

Unless you're using something like Leadpages, Wix, Wordpress etc., you'll likely be using static landers -- that is, landers composed of HTML, CSS and JS files.

These types of files are all "client-side" and can be cached by CDNs and delivered quickly, so are great for affiliate marketing landing pages used
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