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The EASY way run a bot test - Voluum Honeypot



Grand Guru
Peak Award Winner
Feb 26, 2019
We’ve all been there. The campaign is set up and we feel pretty optimistic. The offer was chosen carefully and targeted through a promising audience. We wait impatiently for the results, as more and more impressions and clicks are coming our way. We take a look into the stats, feeling excited and then… nothing.

No conversions. No profits. Big fat nothing.


What happened?

Bots happened.
  • Voluum has a solution for you - let me introduce Honeypot.
  • Using Honeypot is easy and requires minimal technical knowledge - I’ll walk you step-by-step through its setup.
  • Honeypot is designed to lure bots into clicking fake links and count traffic that they generated.

How it helps you?

You can identify heavily bot-infested campaigns and block them in your traffic source's platform setup. Honeypot gives you more control and helps you save some $$$ in the process.

How does it work?

When your LP loads, the Honeypot script you’ve implemented to the LP’s HTML creates a link that is not visible for a human visitor but can be scanned and activated by bots. Because this Honeypot link is typically scanned first, bots tend to activate it and not the actual
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