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Step 9 - Setup PopAds Postback in BeMob



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Apr 17, 2018
Setup PopAds Postback in BeMob

We want to setup the PopAds postback in BeMob so that BeMob can notify PopAds whenever we get a conversion.

Earlier, we setup our postback from BeMob in MOBIPIUM. That was so that MOBIPIUM could notify BeMob whenever we get a conversion.

Now, we also want to let PopAds know when we get a conversion. Why? It’ll allow us to use PopAds reports to do some optimizations as well. It’s not 100% necessary and there are many advanced affiliates who refuse to give traffic sources this type of data on their campaigns, but we’re just beginners and I think the more data we have at our disposal (and the more we can learn about running reports and doing optimizations), the better.

Once we set the postback conversion tracking form PopAds in BeMob, we do NOT need to do it again. This does not change on each campaign. We’ll set it once and then BeMob will notify PopAds on all our future campaigns.

First, go back to your BeMob account and click on Traffic sources. Select PopAds and click Edit:


We need to replace your advertiser ID in your Postback URL. You’ll notice
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