Hi guys!
I've did some research on my own:
I decided to go with Brazil offer. I don't know the language, but I guess I'll have to make it using the copy from their landing pages, banners and Google translate. I was also looking at
MegaPush volume and prices. I want to get as much data as I can within the budget we have. So some expensive Geos like South Africa are not on my radar for now (although they seem to convert nicely and are English spoken, but I'm afraid I won't get enough data).
For the past 2 days I've read all MegaPush threads here and MegaPush case studies, setup a new
traffic source in my
BeMob tracker and setup a new custom domain on my
PeerFly account. So from that points I thing I have everything ready.
Now that I know which Geo I'll promote, it's time to prepare some copy and custom creatives for push message. Once I create them I'll send them for approval in my PeerFly account and once they are approved I'll share them here.
And after that I'll create a few campaigns in MegaPush (since I want to rotate a few creatives, not just one). And I'll setup a few campaigns in BeMob so I can test all landing pages. I'll be direct linking. I've read that some members complain about getting a lot of traffic from other Geos (which they haven't selected for push notifications). I'll setup a geo redirect in BeMob (for all geos except Brazil) to my smartlink in
monetizer to catch that remnant traffic.
So my next update will be when I have some creatives approved from PeerFly.
Hopefully I'll launch a campaign tomorrow.
Photoshop starting in 3,2,1...