Multiformat converting traffic source!
Boost your B2C campaigns with Adavice DSP: PUSH & POP and more! + BONUS

November MegaPush Contest

Hoping to see some conversions 😀👍

How long does it take for a lead to appear in Peerfly's reports with this campaign? So I have read the lead is counted when the user registers and confirm their data in a phone call, so I guess it takes several hours or even days.
How long does it take for a lead to appear in Peerfly's reports with this campaign? So I have read the lead is counted when the user registers and confirm their data in a phone call, so I guess it takes several hours or even days.
From my experience, it usually would be within a few hours, but I am still getting a conversion here and there from days ago on these offers.
Hi guys!

I've did some research on my own:

I decided to go with Brazil offer. I don't know the language, but I guess I'll have to make it using the copy from their landing pages, banners and Google translate. I was also looking at MegaPush volume and prices. I want to get as much data as I can within the budget we have. So some expensive Geos like South Africa are not on my radar for now (although they seem to convert nicely and are English spoken, but I'm afraid I won't get enough data).

For the past 2 days I've read all MegaPush threads here and MegaPush case studies, setup a new traffic source in my BeMob tracker and setup a new custom domain on my PeerFly account. So from that points I thing I have everything ready.

Now that I know which Geo I'll promote, it's time to prepare some copy and custom creatives for push message. Once I create them I'll send them for approval in my PeerFly account and once they are approved I'll share them here.

And after that I'll create a few campaigns in MegaPush (since I want to rotate a few creatives, not just one). And I'll setup a few campaigns in BeMob so I can test all landing pages. I'll be direct linking. I've read that some members complain about getting a lot of traffic from other Geos (which they haven't selected for push notifications). I'll setup a geo redirect in BeMob (for all geos except Brazil) to my smartlink in monetizer to catch that remnant traffic.

So my next update will be when I have some creatives approved from PeerFly.
Hopefully I'll launch a campaign tomorrow.

Photoshop starting in 3,2,1... :)
Submitted 6 creatives for approval. Hopefully Luke (he is my affiliate manager on PeerFly) will approve them soon and then I'll launch the campaigns tomorrow. I also have text copy ready (title and message) :)
Submitted 6 creatives for approval. Hopefully Luke (he is my affiliate manager on PeerFly) will approve them soon and then I'll launch the campaigns tomorrow. I also have text copy ready (title and message) :)
Actually, @Brandon takes care of the creatives. He'll get them reviewed ASAP :D
So, my custom creatives got approved last night.

Since there are 6 landing pages offered for this FBS offer, and we are on a tight testing budget ($50) I think I won't be testing all landing pages. I'll just have to pick a few, and leave some budget for later.

I'll go with 4 campaigns. Each campaign with one creative direct linking to one landing page.
I'll be using BeMob as my tracker.

I've picked these four landing pages:
FBS Trading (South Africa) - the default one

Success story - High Converter (LP6641)

Bitcoin landing page (LP6635)

Alternate Landing Page 5

I'll go and create campaigns now and post notification previews with copy here.
Preparing campaigns in BeMob:

Campaign 1

Campaign 2

Campaign 3

Campaign 4

Looks like the domain I had setup in Monetizer isn't working anymore, so I'll just redirect all non-Brazilian traffic to my site via rule in BeMob.

I have saved each campaign URL in my spreadsheet, and I usually like to test each link via incognito tab - just be be sure visits are recorded in tracker. They all seem to work and visits are showing up in BeMob:

Since I'm testing from Croatia, I'm redirected to my site via rule I created (all non Brazilian traffic).
Since this is my first time working with MegaPush, I'll prepare the first campaign and let it run. Just to be sure I didn't do anything wrong in my setup (offer, tracker etc). I'd rather lose $10 because of one mistake, then spend $50 on all campaigns. Once I see some traffic coming to my tracker and PeerFly offer I'll start other campaigns.

So, Campaign 1 in MegaPush:


I've set the budget to $10 (under More options). I'm using minimum bid (0.3 cents) , all devices.


And now I wait:

Once I see some traffic I'll post an update and create 3 more campaigns.
I have a feeling I'm the only one here today :)

Anyway.. Campaign 1 = $10 spent. No conversions yet.

Most of the traffic went to feed2.

I think I'll pause feed2 for my next campains, including the campaign 2 that is still running.

There is a big different between the clicks reported by MegaPush/BeMob and PeerFly:

Don't know what to do about that. Any suggestions? Luke, did you notice this with your campaigns?
(I'm assuming there are no bots in push)

After two days of letting run the testing campaigns I have the following results.
Peerfly reports:

Megapush campaigns:

Bemob feed stats Test1:

Bemob feed stats Test2:

In short:
-Spent $12,11 ($5,46 in Campaign #1 and $6,65 in Campaign #2)
-Received 4900 clics (about 3500 unique users)
-Got 0 leads :(

Very bad results, I need some record to be able to make decisions. I've expanded the budget of campaign #2 and I'm considering to deactivate Feed2 since most of the clicks come from it and are not giving conversions.

Has any participant achieved any conversion with this campaign?
I'm also at 0 conversions. I've removed feed2 from my second campaign. And I've decided not to run feed2 on new campaigns.

I'm also running Brazil offer :)
I have a feeling I'm the only one here today :)

Anyway.. Campaign 1 = $10 spent. No conversions yet.

Most of the traffic went to feed2.

I think I'll pause feed2 for my next campains, including the campaign 2 that is still running.

There is a big different between the clicks reported by MegaPush/BeMob and PeerFly:

View attachment 1452

Don't know what to do about that. Any suggestions? Luke, did you notice this with your campaigns?
(I'm assuming there are no bots in push)

Nope, you're not the only one here today. 😄

I have seen the mismatch in stats reported by MegaPush and PeerFly in other people's posts, and it's very worrying. It makes you wonder if your budget is being eaten up fraudulently. I wonder if @MegaPush can throw some light on this issue?
Nope, you're not the only one here today. 😄

I have seen the mismatch in stats reported by MegaPush and PeerFly in other people's posts, and it's very worrying. It makes you wonder if your budget is being eaten up fraudulently. I wonder if @MegaPush can throw some light on this issue?


Please note that the difference is between tracker and PeerFly.

Between MegaPush and BeMob it looks ok...

Please note that the difference is between tracker and PeerFly.

Between MegaPush and BeMob it looks ok...

Yes, my mistake! And having another think about it, would the difference be due to the rule you've set up in BeMob to direct non-Brazilian traffic to your own site? PeerFly would never see this traffic.
Here are my stats so far for the 2nd campaign:


BeMob - only offer redirects:

BeMob - only offer - only Brazilian traffic:

(might be I got a few visits while writing this...)

So there is no big difference between traffic source and tracker here.