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Motivation as an affiliate


Aug 26, 2023
I think motivation is a topic that we all are confronted with as affiliates sometimes we have it, sometimes we lose it, sometimes we search for it.
Being an affiliate often means you on your own solving tasks, or you are managing a team that should solve tasks.

What separates you from you and your goals is the necessary actions that have to be done. Those actions can be split into multiple tasks. But tasks can be tedious and when you have a lot they can be overwhelming and hinder you on your progress so they are lowering your drive and building resistance against reaching your goals. Your Motivation can be the drive to overcome any resistance so always set goals, those can be separated into small milestone goals that all lead upto a big goal. But always check for yourself if you currently have a goal, then check your attitude towards the goal always aim high but if you yourself are not convinced that you will achieve it, it can discourage you aswell.

Also your goal has to have a personal priority for yourself otherwise modern day distractions will hinder you from reaching your goals and staying
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