[CONTEST]: We Pay for Case Studies!


Grand Guru
Peak Award Winner
May 14, 2018

Dear partners, take part in our Case Study contest with a huge prize pool!

Had a good profit from an advertising campaign in PropellerAds? You can earn even more!

Tell us your story and we will refund you the spent budget, give special bonuses, and personal consultation with our expert.

How to apply?
1. Write a detailed story about your advertising campaign with the following PropellerAds ad formats: Push Notifications, Popunder, Native Ads, Interstitials.
2. Send your text to [email protected] with the title “CC3 - Case Study Contest”.

Winners will be chosen on 25/04/2019 on PropellerAds social media channels (find the links below).
We will return the campaign advertising budget to the authors of Top-3 case studies:

🏆 1st place - 100% of the budget will be refunded to your ad account (and yes, we’ll refund even $2000 if you spent this amount)
🏆 2nd place - 70% of the budget will be refunded
🏆 3rd place - 50% of the budget will be refunded

🏆 other participants will receive special bonuses for the next deposit or a personal consultation with our expert

How to win?
To view the premium content in our affiliate marketing forum (including this awesome thread), you must first register and upgrade your account. Register today and become a part of our amazing community!