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A New Chapter - Got Hired As A Digital Media Buyer


Grand Guru
Nov 23, 2018
Hi everyone, sorry for being very inactive for quite a few months.

This is one of the biggest game changers I ever had. Becoming an Affiliate Marketer full-time.

While at Affiliate Summit East and being invited by Ringba to join their awesome parties. A person came up to me, something like "Hey it's this kid! Ariel, I would like you to meet him". "I heard you're very active in the PayPerCallers chat on skype. I heard you never had a chance to do run PayPerCall offers because you have a low budget.

I nodded, then right beside him was the COO, "I would like to hire you as a internal media buyer, and run our PayPerCall offers, get some experience".

In my head I was shocked. I been working at retail for a very long time, I been a call center manager making min wage, and the call center is only allowed to open 3 hours a day. A year ago, I been finding jobs after I graduated college but no luck. I looked up Indeed, Ziprecruiter for Digital Media Buyer or Digital Marketing position. I scrolled down and I see "5 year experience, entry level
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