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Finding the right offer !!



Super Contributor
Feb 8, 2021
Hey Guys,

Alright, I am here to ask all the questions which occur to me on a daily basis but have no one place to ask.
Also, I am pretty sad to inform everyone that it has been almost 6 months since I have seen a consistent profitable offer.
For the most part of those six months, I have not seen a profitable offer at all. So it's more like a Do or Die situation now.

I know I am doing something obviously wrong, and I am here to find out what it is.

Alright so I have been reading a lot of threads and in one of the threads, I saw @DEADZ mentioned to cross-reference different platforms to find suitable offers.
Like he mentioned that Monetizer has shit lots of data available from every Geo. He mentions that if you find a Geo who is doing good and have certain aspects working substantially better than others in terms of eCPM. You can use that data to find suitable offers for that Geo, for example, if an OS-XX is doing really well, and there is a carrier whose performance was good I can use these two factors
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