Run Traffic on Landings?
Get a cash back on what you already spend with push notifications

START HERE - Pops Guide - The Beginners Guide to Affiliate Marketing

why i can't get rich from this campaign? is there any limited amount i can earn?
I wouldn't say there's a limited amount you can earn. PopAds has a lot of traffic and you can scale this campaign beyond PopAds and MOBIPIUM. The goal of this campaign is to not promise you it's going to make you rich. It's to teach you the mechanics/strategy you can apply to all future affiliate marketing campaigns (that could potentially make you rich) :D
I really hope can get something from this practical course.What ever,thank you for Luke's sharing.It's not easy to do teach the new guys because not every one can do 100% like what Luke's did,so maybe some guys conside he still have some secret doesn't share,but actually there no secret,the secret is we must try to do what teacher did,that's enough,hope everyone can get their goal after finish course.
It's all here in the forum. I am planning to make a PDF, but it will contain the same 14 steps you are finding here.
HI Luke,

Did you get a chance to make that PDF, if so, where can I find it?



Update: I actually copy/paste the lessons into a word doc, I tried to attach the file here, but it was too big for the server.
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HI Luke,

Did you get a chance to make that PDF, if so, where can I find it?



Update: I actually copy/paste the lessons into a word doc, I tried to attach the file here, but it was too big for the server.
No, I decided not to because I was concerned it would get distributed outside of the forum.
No problem, I had to close my PopAds account due to the owner being an "anomaly". :rolleyes:

So... the guide is pretty useless to me, now.... just ended up wasting 45 minutes of my life creating one for myself. :(

Don't worry, I won't give it [my guide] to anyone, I wouldn't send that anomaly any customers. :mad:

Are there any other guides on the forum that use a free tracker, and have a $100 (or less) minimum deposit for buying traffic? :unsure:

I can afford to buy at least $100-$200 of traffic each month to learn, but, I cannot afford to spend money on a tracker, too. :cool:

Thanks! :)

We have tons of guides and follow alongs. I would recommend trying out PropellerAds as we discussed. We have a list of affiliate networks you can join to find offers. Then, it's just a matter of setting up the campaign. The best way to learn is by doing 👍
Luke, I know you were going to put together a pdf. I missed it. Do you have it? Thanks.
Luke, I know you were going to put together a pdf. I missed it. Do you have it? Thanks.
I decided not to put together the PDF because I don't want people easily distributing the course.
@Luke, I wish if you can make a new guide for 2020, as smartlinks+pop is 100% loss campaigns. Coz as you said earlier it is not meant to be profitable, It is just to teach newbies how to do affiliate marketing with proper trackings.

I saw earlier that you did a good campaign to collect push notifications subscribers. May you do it again in more details (to look like a guide).

I been doing affiliate marketing since peerfly with no success :(
as smartlinks+pop is 100% loss campaigns.
It's not 100% loss. We haven't had a single person get 100% loss from this guide as far as I know.

I will do doing another course with a new strategy, but to be clear: I will never release a course that is 100% guaranteed to get you a profitable campaign every single time. Because that does not exist. If it did, it would be saturated very quickly. Especially if I released a course 😆