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tracking question



Super Contributor
Oct 5, 2019
hey afflifters.
I am running a facebook campaign to a website. lets call that site www.tests.com

on the website is a widget, and in the widget are 3 keywords that someone can click on, each widget has its own tracking link. followed by the standard fb params.

I am using sub1 for campaign ID, sub2 for adsetID and then sub3 for ad.id, I am hardcoding sub1 and sub2.

I have a case where I need to duplicate the campaign but change the campaign ID and ad set id. Is there a way that I can dynamically pass the IDs from the campaign link to the widget box URL.

for example, if I apply the params to teh UTM params box in FB, how can I then pass that information to the outgoing clicks on the box? any help would be appreciated.

if I did in the main URL
subid1={{campaign.id}} and then on the widget do subid1={subid1}? would that work?

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