ProPush.Me is a platform for monetizing traffic with push subscriptions
for affiliates and webmasters

Tools & Resources



🧙🏻‍♂️ Wizard 🔮
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Community Leader
May 7, 2018
Here is a roundup of useful tools and resources that you might need throughout the course. I don't cover how to use all of these tools step-by-step, but the main ones (such as tracker and spy tool) I do cover extensively.

I've categorized the tools into sections by what you might need them for.


These are the 3 main trackers that I've made step-by-step lessons for in this course. I highly recommend Binom for their custom events system, but ultimately the decision is up to you. In the next lesson, I'll help you decide on what one to pick.

Spy Tools​

Apart from a tracker, a spy tool is essential if you're going to make money. They cost money, but they also save you a TON of money by not having to figure out a lot about ads and landing pages on your own.


A VPN will allow you to change your IP address so it looks like you're from a different country. This can be useful to view
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